flippin heck it's cold


Dedicated Member
I am wandering round the house, like a grumpy old toad, as it's freezing here, so do I put the heating on over ride or stick a jumper on, answers on site please as postcards take to long, and I'll of frozen to death by then!!!!!!!!!!!
I forgot where you actually live but here in malta we are going through a very cold spell in the evenings especially. We have some morning sun and heat. But to watch the telly in the evening is murder. All I can suggest for you a good looking cuddly husband and two heavy jumpers with two thick pyjama pants and a large teapot of hot tea.. What more can I say.... LOL
My kids told me in the last cold spell to forget the gas bill and stay warm,but I tend to wear thick sweaters and or body warmers so I can be comfy. However there is something called the Wind Chill factor thats making it seem colder than it actually is(dont ask me??? There'll be someone with the technical knowhow explain it to us I'm sure ;)) so I am sticking to the bodywarmers for now .
I know, ... I know. Used to live up Nawth where it
was really cold.

But here in North Carolina, this time of year, we gets
lows in the 30's and highs in the 40's and 50's. Can't
really complain. And ... SUNNY with it!!
I'm with you there Minxie. It's freezing here too. Fleece jumpers and lots of hot chocolate!
My kids told me in the last cold spell to forget the gas bill and stay warm,but I tend to wear thick sweaters and or body warmers so I can be comfy. However there is something called the Wind Chill factor thats making it seem colder than it actually is(dont ask me??? There'll be someone with the technical knowhow explain it to us I'm sure ;)) so I am sticking to the bodywarmers for now .

The cold wind whips the body heat away making one feel colder - the body is unable to heat up the immediately surrounding air. Like in real hot weather a cooling breeze (at ambient temperature) moves the heat the body is generating away.

Deep philosophical thought - does the wind chill factor have any impact indoors? Probably so - the heat generated in the house tends to warm the outside air slightly but that outside air gets blown away and the house has to heat the replacement air. Big arguement for good insulation.
Thanks for the wind chill explanation Unc :D We've got good loft insulation and foam cavity wall insulation but they made a right dogs breakfast of the double glazing.Draughts R Us!! Thats what you get when the council puts it out to contract and you're the last one on the estate to be done(4 different type houses on our street alone and they measured 1 and expected it to fit all ::)) If I had been paying for it private I would have stopped the cheque!! >:(
I just set up office in the corner of the spare bedroom, right next to the radiator! Lovely.
even my cats are refusing to go out.
The gas bill arrived today, and I can't bring myself to look at it yet.
Perhaps tonight after a couple of lemonade's I will have a peep and the shock of it will kill the cold feeling in my toes.

keep warm everyone, group hugs needed I think
Solid walls - about 16 inches thick - help, no space for cavity foam insulation though!

However in order to prevent damp in the dungeon there has to be some ventilation below stairs (as it were - there are three stair cases in the house) which makes it cooler!
It has barely risen above freezing down here in the south. A handy way to work out Fahrenheit from centigrade is to double it and add thirty by the way. So that makes 0c come to about 30f ( I think)
We are below freezing point, we were well below it last night, and it has been snowing all day very gently, but tomorrow we will get a good load. It is astonishing, it is still winter, not spring, and we are all fed up. The snowdrops and crocuses are out, that´s all. If you can find them under the snow.