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  1. toodlepip


    I´m surprised you could sleep, Susan! We had one too 20 years ago, and it was very noisy, as if several tanks were coming down the street, or lorries or trains, and everything was rattling and shaking. But the noise alone was astonishing!
  2. toodlepip

    I must be crazy

    Gosh, is it that bad? How much snow does everybody have? We have only 5-6 inches, but by now the traffic is running normal, it´s just the first day that everything is chaotic. I once asked if the British don´t put winter tyres on their cars in winter, and I just got a strange look and a laugh...
  3. toodlepip


    Yes, we´re having this show running at the moment, our German version of "I´m a celebrity, get me out of here" or whatever it´s called in English, we mostly just call it the jungle camp. I usually never watch such rubbish, but I must admit every now and again I watch this, reminds me of my own...
  4. toodlepip

    Coughs - and remedies

    Sorry to come back to the topic in between the cleggish rambling ;D, but I was trying to find out about paracetamol against cough, I have never heard of that before. I have found that there seems to be a medicine which consists of both paracetamol and codein, so that would make sense, but...
  5. toodlepip


    We´ve got about 10-12 cm (something like 5 inches or a bit more), and it´s constantly below freezing point, so it is nice powdery snow, and I hope we´ll get a bit of sunshine tomorrow. Nothing prettier than snow sparkling in the sunshine and a crisp blue sky.
  6. toodlepip

    Sid's Cafe

    Oh, I see! Yes, we still have these :).
  7. toodlepip

    Coughs - and remedies

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOL, we have come from a cough to an orchestra!
  8. toodlepip

    The Plank

    There is one thing about that scene that always irritates me a bit, and that´s Foggy saying they need a thicker plank. What rubbish, they need a support in the middle, that´s what they need, so that it can´t bend. Does anyone else think the same thing? I always do.
  9. toodlepip

    Sid's Cafe

    I´m not quite sure I undestand what you mean, sorry. Do you mean things like McDonald´s etc.? Yes, we have all of that too, it depends where you go. The big cities are probably getting more and more similar all over the world, but in the smaller ones it´s all still quite traditional in places.
  10. toodlepip

    Coughs - and remedies

    LOOOOOOOOL! But a bit awkward to suck on. Sorry barmpot, we´re going off topic. I hope your cough is better! Of course I mean, YOU are better, not the cough (though you probably had enough practice by now to also cough better...). Oh dear. Entangled in language again ::) ;D.
  11. toodlepip

    Happy Birthday Frank Thornton

    Happy Birthday, Mr Thornton! :)
  12. toodlepip

    Another New Member

    Welcome to the forum, Babs! LOL, yes, we´re awful ladies :D, glad to get some support!
  13. toodlepip

    Greatest Scene From the Cafe

    The entire scene in Deep in the Heart of Yorkshire when Ivy hits them with the spoon.
  14. toodlepip

    Coughs - and remedies

    LOL, I have tried it once, I liked it, wasn´t disgusting at all ;D.
  15. toodlepip

    Coughs - and remedies

    *sending big hugs to dick* I have heard from onions in honey. You dice an onion and put it in a jar with one or two table spoons of honey and leave it like that, the fluid will increase (water from the onions) and you take a spoonful as often as you like. I don´t know if it works, but it´s a...
  16. toodlepip

    Sid's Cafe

    LOL, and I had typed already that getting a bad Apfelstrudel in Austria is just as much of a disgrace as bad pizza or pasta in Italy, but I removed that bit again from my reply ;D.
  17. toodlepip

    Coughs - and remedies

    Sounds horrible, I´m sorry for you! And antibiotics of top of it, and steroids, I think it´s paradox, but they actually bring your immune system down even further, but of course you have to have them against infections. How rotten, if this is the word I mean!
  18. toodlepip

    Coughs - and remedies

    I´m sorry to hear that :-\! Yes, as long as there is any mucus there, everything should be done to get rid of it. I don´t know anything about what´s causing your cough, but I think it doesn´t matter what the cause is, mucus has to be removed. Must be awful when you have that every day. I can´t...
  19. toodlepip

    Coughs - and remedies

    LOL, George, indeed, and I´m getting no exercise at all, perhaps I should pick up a cough somewhere. Ugh no, I hate them, thank god I´m not prone to them (touch wood, now that I said it, I´ll get one), I usually only get them once in a few years and usually not very bad. @ barmpot: Well, I...
  20. toodlepip

    Sid's Cafe

    Yes, Compo, you are quite right, it all depends on who is making it and which recipe. You can get everything from "awful" to "heavenly". I guess it´s like that with all sorts of food, but if you actually are in Austria like you were, it is a disgrace to get bad Apfelstrudel.