Coughs - and remedies


LOTSW Fanatic
Any one else had a bad cough this season? Possibly Dick given his previous persona!

However mine has been in existence since December 24th and at one stage I could not sleep lying down as when I did so the coughing got worse.

I used to have codeine linctus which cleared up the problem prescribed for me by the GP; they banned that and he suggested Merocaine which is currently unavailable due to some discussion about legal rights I believe.

Paracetamol seems the best - but I prefer capsules: however the latest batch from my pharmacy have the packing so tight that when you try to release them from their plastic and metallic film they disintegrate and you have paracetamol powder. Ugh!

Any suggestions?

I sense that it is also the cue for the old quip "it ain't the cough that carried him off - it's the coffin they carried him off in!" or should that be on George's jokes thread?
Hactos is pretty good. Also a chemist from Morriston used to brew his own bright red stuff. It tasted like nothing on earth, but it sorted all kinds of coughs out. I think when he retired his recipe went with him. Shame.
Strange you mention merocaine Barmpot,I used to take Dequacaine lozenges to help soothe my throat from having to cough to clear my chest,(the doctors seem geared to me clearing my chest otherwise I'm in trouble and would need a drain)Any way the Dequacaine and Merocaine disappeared from the local chemists at the same time. Now all they can sell me are Tyrozets. ???
Further to my earlier post I have tried most of the available lozenges from Strepsils on down to Boots own but have not found one that would totally stop the "tickle" at the back of my throat. :D
Tyrozets - not as good as Merocaine, or indeed Dequacaine (GP told me to look for -caine at end) likewise pholcodeine linctus not a patch on codeine instinctual.

All the best remedies seem to disappear - upset tums still would benefit from kaolin and morphine.
Tyrozets according to the box, contain benzocaine and tyrothricin(ricin?? :-\)
I find that 2 in an hour seem to soothe things for a while but beware taking too many in the day! ;)
:D Good on you mate ;D I find though that if I cough in the street I get lots of worried looks,they obviously think I'm either very ill or (this being an old mining town) I must be going to leave it on the pavement!! My mother could not stand that when I was growing up so consequently it was something I learned not to do :o ::)
LOL, George, indeed, and I´m getting no exercise at all, perhaps I should pick up a cough somewhere. Ugh no, I hate them, thank god I´m not prone to them (touch wood, now that I said it, I´ll get one), I usually only get them once in a few years and usually not very bad.

@ barmpot:

Well, I think it depends on the kind of cough, dry or not? I guess everybody knows you shouldn´t suppress a... god, what´s the word, un-dry? Or chesty?? Well, you shouldn´t suppress a productive cough at all, and under no circumstances must you take an expectorant and a suppressant at the same time because the mucus will build up, but you haven´t got the urge to cough, so it stays there, blocks your airways (is that correct? Sounds like the airline ::)) and the bacteria are happy!
Have you seen a doctor? If it´s still no better since Christmas, I think you should have it checked before it turns into pneumonia or some other unpleasant thing!
Last word on my cough, the doctors have provided me with 3 inhalers and a pill that helps loosen the mucus as apparently I "must" clear my chest. :-[ :-\
Last word on my cough, the doctors have provided me with 3 inhalers and a pill that helps loosen the mucus as apparently I "must" clear my chest. :-[ :-\

I´m sorry to hear that :-\! Yes, as long as there is any mucus there, everything should be done to get rid of it. I don´t know anything about what´s causing your cough, but I think it doesn´t matter what the cause is, mucus has to be removed. Must be awful when you have that every day. I can´t even stand a normal one during a cold ::)!
Sorry **** I should have been more clear :-[ On top of emphysema I have what they call Bronchiectasis.This means that the fine tubes in my lungs can enlarge, holes can form where the mucus collects and if it gets infected it is dangerous. I am taking antibiotics every couple of months so as to make sure I dont get too infected. A side effect of the steroid inhalers is the fact that my skin has become paper thin and I bruise very easily. Just to be rogueish, if people ask when my children are around ,I tell them I am suffering from elder abuse Its amazing the number of people that say go on pull the other leg!! ;) ;D They know me and my family too well!! ;D
Sorry **** I should have been more clear :-[ On top of emphysema I have what they call Bronchiectasis.This means that the fine tubes in my lungs can enlarge, holes can form where the mucus collects and if it gets infected it is dangerous. I am taking antibiotics every couple of months so as to make sure I dont get too infected. A side effect of the steroid inhalers is the fact that my skin has become paper thin and I bruise very easily. Just to be rogueish, if people ask when my children are around ,I tell them I am suffering from elder abuse Its amazing the number of people that say go on pull the other leg!! ;) ;D They know me and my family too well!! ;D

Sounds horrible, I´m sorry for you! And antibiotics of top of it, and steroids, I think it´s paradox, but they actually bring your immune system down even further, but of course you have to have them against infections. How rotten, if this is the word I mean!
Thanks **** , rotten is acceptable in this instance. I have to keep going for the sake of my family, we lost my wife to cancer last year so I am prepared to put up with the tablets etc . As long as I stay aware of things I should be relatively ok. :D
I beleive in home remedies as much as possible. Take honey and squeeze fresh lemon with hot water. Take as often as you want... No medicines for me if possible..
I beleive in home remedies as much as possible. Take honey and squeeze fresh lemon with hot water. Take as often as you want... No medicines for me if possible..
I've a friend that adds cracked black pepper to this. He swears by it :D
*sending big hugs to dick*

I have heard from onions in honey. You dice an onion and put it in a jar with one or two table spoons of honey and leave it like that, the fluid will increase (water from the onions) and you take a spoonful as often as you like. I don´t know if it works, but it´s a common remedy.
I think I saw it on tv or a film ,this man ate a raw onion every day :-\ He had n't many friends but he never had a cold. ;D ;D