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  1. happyjack

    Unseen Stars

    Nora`s relatives referred to as "Her Relatives" by Wally in a Christmas Episode.
  2. happyjack

    The Shinyglow Van

    I think Barry`s cars were (nearly new) most of them
  3. happyjack

    Hardly a surprise.....

    I don`t know what age group you are Barry:eyesroll: But I grew up watching all the Classic Comedies, which is why we watch a lot of UK Gold
  4. happyjack

    Robin Parkinson RIP

    Forgot about Rising Damp WSTOL
  5. happyjack

    Robin Parkinson RIP

    It seems that he was in pretty much everything. Having recognized him on Wikipedia I can see him as he really is as opposed to what he looks like on Allo, Allo
  6. happyjack

    RIP Dennis Waterman

    Don`t forget Just William Sad News as another Great Star Goes. RIP
  7. happyjack

    Easter Gate Bridge

    I like many of our Members have been there many times. I hope you enjoyed the experience as much as I did the first time. I am sure you will go again, if they will let you in as you are from Lancashire.;)
  8. happyjack

    Full English Please Ivy!

    Compo. "Brushes at Dawn"
  9. happyjack


    Whoops, Thanks I will give them a try
  10. happyjack


    Thanks I will give the
  11. happyjack


    The only reason I had McAfee is that it came with BT for and now they are changing to Norton for some reason.
  12. happyjack


    Thanks Clutterbuck I will wait and see if Terry comes up with Any thing. Are the ones you have mentioned free?
  13. happyjack


    Is anybody with MCafee through BT they are now changing to Norton for free. I am finding it near impossible to change. Is it worth staying with McAfee who you get for Free with BT or changing to Norton who you have to pay? It seems obvious but.
  14. happyjack

    Selecting a tribute episode for each departed cast member

    Seymore in 3 Men and a Mangle
  15. happyjack

    RIP Lily Bless Her

    What can I say that hasn`t already been said by all. Will be long remembered. R.I.P
  16. happyjack


    I expect this has been discussed before, But why didn"t Ivy appear in the last episode?
  17. happyjack

    Getting Sam interred.

    I think it was Sam who said that, but I cannot remember the Van. If it was there who drove it? But I8 don2t think it was there
  18. happyjack

    Ask a Stupid Question

    I think it was Pearl after she got a reply from Howard outside their front door
  19. happyjack

    Storm Eunice

    Can somebody tell me why some idiots stand by the sea wall with waves above their heads:20: