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  1. WesleyRocks

    Discovered Pictures

    What a great and nice man to let you scan these. It is nice to see behind the scenes items. Thank you Terry!!!
  2. WesleyRocks

    A clean Wesley

    Somehow I missed this, really like number 9!!!!
  3. WesleyRocks

    Health Update

    George, just don't know what to say. We are all family here, and when one is hurting we all hurt. You hang in there, and know there are so many people praying for you and wishing you the best. All of our families prayers are with you and yours. Pease keep in touch.
  4. WesleyRocks

    Bucket List

    I used to do food drops for the AT, friends of mine, ohhh 20+ years ago tried the entire trail. Failed both tries(1st try injury to ankle and 2nd try sickness of the scout dog) but it was a cool sending the supplies to the drop points. Like 2 and 3 as well!!! So want to get back to farm life!!!
  5. WesleyRocks

    Bucket List

    I guess mine would be..... -Visit and tour Holmfirth and all of filming areas. -Be in the live audience and try my hand at the "reasonably priced car track" on Top Gear. -Visit and tour most of UK as well as Western Europe (WWII sites mainly) -Drive Nascar race car -Help children more...
  6. WesleyRocks

    Golden opportunity

    You are welcome anytime!! I'll let them know about the crazy British woman and the crazy yanks heading this way!
  7. WesleyRocks

    Golden opportunity

    I'm not sure, I hope it moves quickly. The principle at the high school said they were shooting for may 1st. I don't think it will happen that fast, but we will see. There is a chance as well I might not be the only one qualified, so..... we will see.
  8. WesleyRocks

    Golden opportunity

    Well all, The time has come, the job will be posted tomorrow. It was actually posted today, but they messed up the posting and have to relist it.They have to run the posting for a week and then the interviewing process will start and all of the background checking and such. I'm very excited...
  9. WesleyRocks

    Health Update

    Wow, George it looks like you have a lot going on. You can do this my friend! Letting you know our thoughts and prayers are with you!
  10. WesleyRocks

    Nora Batty's Cottage

    Gosh, Coming from the man side of this, someone needs to warn him!!!!!:whisper: :biggrin:
  11. WesleyRocks

    Dry Stone Walls

    If we had stones readily available in Florida, I would so build one in front of our house. I just think they are beautiful. Very nice pictures Pearl!
  12. WesleyRocks

    April 2014 Ask George

    Hello George, Not a question but, my wife loves your jokes on Facebook!!! She is the Facebook operator in the family, she gives me updates on what is going on with all our friends.We will be lying in bed before bedtime and she will looking at her phone and just start busting out in laughter...
  13. WesleyRocks

    April 2014 Ask George

    Whoohoo!! GNR :respect:
  14. WesleyRocks

    Favorite Compo Skit

    I think one of my favorite Compo moments is in Ordeal by Trousers. At the end when they are on stage doing their skit. It really shows Bill's talents (singing) with the acting like Compo all wrapped into one. However there are so many great Compo moments it is hard to pick just one.
  15. WesleyRocks

    Favorite Compo Skit

    I never knew that was what he was saying, I thought it was guitar as well!!! Funny, when you don't know what someone is saying you kind of fill it in. Thanks, Barmpot!!
  16. WesleyRocks

    It is Happening More and More

    They have been doing that for many, many years here in the states. I can remember as a kid hearing those words while laying on the floor and my parents having the television on. " previously on....."
  17. WesleyRocks

    Last episodes

    I watched that episode today and there was only one appearance of Wesley (when Barry asked to borrow his Rover). He didn't look ill or anything. Seemed to sound well also. I heard somewhere he died from lung cancer, but I'm not sure where I saw that.
  18. WesleyRocks

    Last episodes

    Very nice information, thank you all!!!!
  19. WesleyRocks

    Last episodes

    We all know when Bill departed and which episodes were his last, but what about the other characters? Wesley? Edie? Sid? etc,etc... I was just wondering if anyone had a list of these, I would like to see the last episode that Wesley was in, but I have no idea which one it was. I can...
  20. WesleyRocks

    Our humble abode.

    Looks very nice!