It was green and white. I think it was the same jacket he wore when they all went to Scarbrough in The Boarding House Bathroom Caper and Cheering Up Gordon. Compo did have a yellow and black one once, but I think it was a later 1990s Foggy era episode. I remember him throwing his shoes into the...
Why they can't ever go back to the time when the actual programme producers themselves did their own end credits is well beyond me. All this corporate stuff to get promotions and adverts in has it's place, but IMO it shouldn't be part of the end credits. They should be large, slow, easily...
That was filmed when Kriss was presenting the CBBC Record Breakers. They did a piece about LOTSW being the longest running comedy in the world. Does anyone know where I might find a video of that peice?
The milkman in There goes the Groom, who had his float stolen.
Also, the two ladies in the newsagents in Wellies to Wet Suit, (and the baby, if that counts?)
Has anyone mentioned the man at the beginning of Mending Stuarts Leg, who came in the cafe wanting 6 meat pies to take out, and could Sid fill his flask?
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