It was green and white. I think it was the same jacket he wore when they all went to Scarbrough in The Boarding House Bathroom Caper and Cheering Up Gordon. Compo did have a yellow and black one once, but I think it was a later 1990s Foggy era episode. I remember him throwing his shoes into the river across from Nora Batty's house.Wasn't he in a Yellow and Black Stripy suit in the episode One of the last places unexplored by man
Yes that's the oneIt was green and white. I think it was the same jacket he wore when they all went to Scarbrough in The Boarding House Bathroom Caper and Cheering Up Gordon. Compo did have a yellow and black one once, but I think it was a later 1990s Foggy era episode. I remember him throwing his shoes into the river across from Nora Batty's house.