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  1. W

    Wharmby Street

    The General's Greatest Battle.
  2. W

    Nine Nine Nine, Nein Nein Nein

    Years ago I phoned the police because of a break-in next door. They asked how I knew that had happened so I explained that the owners were away, the lights were on, front door wide open and alarm blaring. The police did turn up but took ages to get out of the car. I realise they probably...
  3. W

    Wharmby Street

    Just watched an episode in which there was a street sign of Wharmby Street. This is obviously a nod to Gordon Wharmby who had died by this point. Are there any other such nods to previous cast members?
  4. W

    True but funny pandemic story.

    Is he near enough to try string with a tin attached at each end?
  5. W

    The Magic Fly

    Or maybe they're going underground, to use a reference to The Jam.
  6. W

    The Magic Fly

    Where are they hiding in the morning?!
  7. W

    Shirley Stelfox

    I once worked with a bloke who'd met Vangelis and I was dead jealous!
  8. W

    The Magic Fly

    No, not the instrumental track from the 70s. We've been plagued by flies lately (a downside of rural living) and they seem to magically appear out of nowhere. In the bathroom last night there were two but when I killed one there were than three flying around! And why is it they can find their...
  9. W

    New here

    Welcome to the forum.
  10. W

    Discussing modern life

  11. W

    Shirley Stelfox

    An aunt being involved in the enigma code is much cooler! I never met Shirley and was surprised when my Mum mentioned the family connection. My aunt knew Kathy Staff at a church she had some involvement with, and I once saw her visiting a relative who lived next door to us.
  12. W

    How do you pronounce it ??

    I used to live near Swindon and always thought it was pronounced "horrible place"!
  13. W

    Shirley Stelfox

    No, Dukinfield is not a big town. I know because I lived there a few years as a kid and my Mum's family come from there. Shirley was a cousin of one of my uncles.
  14. W

    Missed my books

    Good point. In my case it doesn't matter which medium I read off as my memory is terrible!
  15. W

    Missed my books

    Kindles do have a big space benefit, but surprisingly research has shown that people remember less well stuff they read on a Kindle rather than physical book. If this really is the case it's curious why that is.
  16. W

    Missed my books

    This time we've decided to group books by the same author so it's easier to find them. The downside is we have so many books that many shelves are loaded two books deep otherwise we'd need too many bookcases!
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    Missed my books

    My books had been boxed since last November when we started packing in preparation for moving house. After being in our new place since March we've finally got the library room decorated and the bookcases in place. It's taking ages to get the books out of boxes and arranged on the shelves, but...
  18. W

    It Seems you cannot!!!

    FB seem to have gone from one extreme to another. Previously they allowed and defended the posting of videos of people being murdered IIRC (although I may be confusing them with another social media site), but now are hypersensitive about all sorts of things to the point of ridiculousness.
  19. W

    Discussing modern life

    I think they also have mobile phones in some later episodes.
  20. W


    Often people asking for directions!