Dedicated Member
I am in somewhat of a pickle. My neighbour lives alone and, like me, is ancient. He lost his wife before the pandemic. I would like to contact him so that we could exchange email addresses and have a natter. Several times I have phoned him to try and find out if he uses his computer for the purpose of emails. He spends lots of money on always buying the best but, he never reads the instructions that come with his purchases. We both have the same problem in that our legs are passed their wobble by date so we are both incapable of walking. When I call him on the phone he cannot hear me. He asks me for my number because he claims he doesn't know it. He has a phone that does everything but boil eggs and any callers numbers are shown on a dial, hence my number is there right in front of him. The nurse has just been round with a note from him. He wants me to call him and give him my number so that he can ring me back and have a chat. I don't understand why he thinks that he will be able to hear me better by him ringing me. This whole situation is quite ludicrous. The only answer I can see to this situation is homing pigeons. I do know that if I do call him he will ask me for my phone number and then to wait while he gets a pen and paper to write it down. I will ask him to let me know when he has found a pen and paper and I know for certain he will say "I'll ring you back."
This is a true story. ....... Any ideas?
This is a true story. ....... Any ideas?