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  1. mikey1965uk

    The music thread

    Oh my God I think it was. My mind is unclear about the second gig. Definitely saw them on Raven tour and not long after, but that Who Wants The World tour rings a bell. Please tell me you saw Ian Dury there ;) Your mum sounds ace. I used to regularly attend a place just up the road from the...
  2. mikey1965uk

    The music thread

    I saw them twice in 1979 and 1980/81ish at the Manchester Apollo. Amazing gigs. I too really only like the first 5 or 6 albums. My fave Stranglers album is The Raven. I say favourite because that was the tour I first saw them and it kinda had my heart but the others aren't far behind especially...
  3. mikey1965uk

    First class prat

    I absolutely loved the Blamire character. Michael simply nailed it. His walk, attitude, facial grimaces, and more. Absolute genius.
  4. mikey1965uk

    The music thread

    Hugh Cornwell - White Room.
  5. mikey1965uk

    Shops no more....

    Need a Tardis......NOW!!!!!
  6. mikey1965uk

    Shops no more....

    I remember being severely taught by an evil nun, with a very broad Irish accent how to carry scissors across school. Ahhh the joys of late 60s early 70s Catholic education. Ugh she was horrible. She could see you and detect you in a crowd of kids.........with........her.......eyes....Closed...
  7. mikey1965uk

    Shops no more....

    The speed that technology has changed stuff I'll be honest doesn't fill me with the greatest of glee. I'm no Ted K. fanboy but I've read most of his stuff and he was 100% spot on. We literally destroy beautiful landscapes for a power station or new builds. I'm not anti tech (obviously) but...
  8. mikey1965uk

    Shops no more....

    I nearly choked on my cheese toastie then hahaha :35::35::35:
  9. mikey1965uk

    Shops no more....

    Greenwoods :14:
  10. mikey1965uk

    Shops no more....

    There's probably some health and safety red tape blarrrrggggghhhhh now regarding such things :rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  11. mikey1965uk

    Bill, Peter And Frank Interviewed. Love this.

    Absolutely. My original words were about the difference between the so called Posh Manc and Oasis Manc. I was being humorous although within areas there are differences in clarity regarding accents. For example Ozzy Osborne for instance spoke quite broad brum but Tony Iommi spoke with more...
  12. mikey1965uk

    Bill, Peter And Frank Interviewed. Love this.

    I have a few mates from Liverpool. I have no problems with accents although some brum accents make me go "agghhh".
  13. mikey1965uk

    Bill, Peter And Frank Interviewed. Love this.

    Oasis are a Rock band from Manchester. The two main people are Noel and Liam Gallagher and their accent isn't exactly awful but my grandmother and mam would describe it as a tad rough. Google any Oasis, Liam or Noel interview :fp:
  14. mikey1965uk

    Bill, Peter And Frank Interviewed. Love this.

    Accents are strange. I was born in Manchester but my upbringing emphasised good vocabulary so I've been told I'm posh Manc. as opposed to Oasis Manc.
  15. mikey1965uk

    Edies Driving.

    Shamed into giving her a pass :21:
  16. mikey1965uk

    Four legged friends

    What you talking about Bazza? Waldo was very real. Very, very real. Anyone who says otherwise can never eat a chocolate éclair again :44:
  17. mikey1965uk

    Edies Driving.

    Drink yer coffee!
  18. mikey1965uk

    The music thread

    I had to double check. Wow you learn something new everyday. It needs not be said but Chaz And Dave (Not my thing really) are top level musicians. I do enjoy a few songs though. My brother is a semi professional bass player/musician and he was saying listen to Dave from Chaz and Dave bass...