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  1. me2

    Philosopher Clegg.

    Yes, if you had Glenda in your life, she might keep you focused but would it really be on the quotes?
  2. me2


    My son found this article and said "Maybe Howard really did find Stoneworm."
  3. me2

    DVD release

    I'm not sure when you bought your Series 8 set, but I bought mine in April of 2013 from Amazon and that scene IS on my DVD. I don't know if they took it out later or put it back in, but I'm glad I have the scene on mine. It's a great scene.
  4. me2

    Public Transport Rubbish

    I wish it were true all over the USA. While it is true in the DC area, it is not true in New York, although there has been some talk of making changes.
  5. me2

    lost episode

    That scene is at the end in "A Merry Heatwave" - Season 4, January 1, 1978
  6. me2

    Nora's Hats #1

    Having trouble with the picture. Will try again later. Edited, image path is wrong.
  7. me2

    Station Road Cam -- ads ?

    I do get ads now and have for awhile, though I didn't used to get them. I do not have any ad blockers installed.
  8. me2

    Latest Firefox update

    I bought a Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo so only requires one USB Port. I love it. I can even switch it easily between my two computers if I need to.
  9. me2

    Funniest Home Videos

    Yes, there was in "Greenfingers." It started with "En garde! En garde, Varlet!" "Don't you call me Violet." An included a swat on Compo's bottom.
  10. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #29

    I still had to look up the saying to get it. Since the box was not with the other food stuff, do you think it was Sid's personal stash?
  11. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #29

    I can give you the color, shape, and location, but I have no idea what it is. Hopefully someone else will know what it is.
  12. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #28

    You can tell by Wesley's overalls that this is a very early episode. They changed after a season or two. And yes, I think the shed changed too but maybe because I'm a woman, I notice clothes more than buildings. The missing item is easy to spot if you compare the pictures, but I think it...
  13. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #27

    Since the first mobile phones were sold in 1983, the year this episode was aired and a year after it was filmed, I got curious and looked at the film more closely. It does look like a cell phone in his hand, but it's really just his fist as he brings his hand up to scratch his ear.
  14. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #23

    A light fixture hanging from the ceiling.
  15. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #23

    A telephone on the counter?
  16. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #23

    Haven't checked yet, but is there supposed to be a clock on the wall?
  17. me2

    A Tale of Two Sweaters

    The whole series of FOTSW has been posted on their Facebook page and is available to be viewed.
  18. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #20

    You're getting warmer.
  19. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #20

    Identifying the episode in this picture is easy. I think identifying the missing object may be more of a challenge though it's easy to spot on the original.
  20. me2

    Little Picture Quiz #19

    This one is super easy when you look at the original, but should be easy even looking at your doctored picture. I think everyone is making it too hard. Do you think the guys have a lot of Pride in their Hometown?