Funniest Home Videos


Dedicated Member
On US TV, there's a long running TV show with, you guessed it, really funny home videos. And last night there was a real humdinger!! It showed two boys on bicycles going at each other with toy swords. They weren't wearing armor, but does this sound familiar?
Horseless Polo? From Walking Stiff Can Make You Famous. Also, no swords but I think Earnshaw may have had a hand in some bike clashes between the guys too.

It sounds like a funny episode, Adanor. Thanks for bringing up some funny memories of the trio.
Was not there some sword play between Compo and Clegg quite early on in the one with the giant carrot - forgotten name ...
Was not there some sword play between Compo and Clegg quite early on in the one with the giant carrot - forgotten name ...
Yes, there was in "Greenfingers." It started with "En garde! En garde, Varlet!" "Don't you call me Violet." An included a swat on Compo's bottom.