Search results

  1. codfanglers

    Mr. Newbold

    I thought I would pick the brains of other SOAH fans with this one. What are your thoughts on Mr. Newbold? At first, I really didn't think he fit in with the show. His demeanor makes him appear more distinguished and educated than most of Roy Clarke's male characters, who are usually barmpots...
  2. codfanglers

    Sid's Relationship with the Trio

    Does anyone notice the inconsistency regarding Sid's relationship with the trio, primarily in the Foggy years? Sometimes they are so close together. He takes part in their foolishness and they travel together. Other times he barely speaks to them or doesn't want to see them. Perhaps I am just...
  3. codfanglers

    Summer Wine's Early Years on Network TV

    I am reading Andrew Vine's book for the first time in years. The early chapters discuss how the show changed from the Blamire years to the early Foggy years, and then how it moved to an earlier, more family-friendly time slot. I was curious if any members here watched the show on Network TV in...
  4. codfanglers

    Reflecting on Summer Wine and One Wish

    Looking back on decades of Last of the Summer Wine, what is one thing you wish you could see more of? Or what is one thing that never happened in Last of the Summer Wine that you would have loved to have seen? I am currently on Series 6 and having recently viewed the Blamire years, I wish the...
  5. codfanglers

    An Early Fab Five

    I am currently viewing season five through my cable PBS channel. Maybe this is a bit of a reach and perhaps I am overlooking the earlier seasons, but is this the first time Foggy, Compo, Clegg, Wally, and Sid really spent time together? They were together at the end of Deep in the Heart of...
  6. codfanglers

    Boarding House / Beach House Questions

    I got to see one of my favorite episodes again, The Great Boarding House Bathroom Caper. Some here are lucky enough to visit Summer Wine locations and others here dream of it. Seeing the trio in that bedroom makes me really want to visit that boarding house. Does anybody know the exact location...
  7. codfanglers

    The Detectorists

    I just finished watching the three series of the Detectorists. I was curious about members' opinions on the show. I absolutely LOVED the first series. Each series declined a bit from the other, but still, it was so enjoyable seeing the show in its entirety. I absolutely loved all of the Simon...
  8. codfanglers

    Did Truly Help Prolong Last of the Summer Wine

    I think there are some that appreciate the post-Compo years and others that don't. I love a lot of the later years, like Series 22 and 23, which I am currently on. There is just a great blend and balance of characters during that period. While I loved all of the lead guys, Truly was very...
  9. codfanglers

    Characters in Episode Titles

    Hello Summer Wine Folk, It has been a while as I finally had to overcome passwords. After many years of watching Summer Wine, I wonder if Roy Clarke had a reason or method behind the character's names in the episodes. Without doing an official count, I believe Howard and Barry's names were used...
  10. codfanglers

    A swift return

    Hello Everyone, I am trying to return after a few years. I have overcome Obstacle #1- passwords. I got a new password and I should be good to go (I hate passwords). I am from Maryland, US, not too far from Washington DC. I am happy to say that one change in programming here is our local PBS...
  11. codfanglers

    A New Era for my Oldest Son

    Well, I am not sure how old I was when I got into watching Fawlty Towers and Monty Python with my Dad. I am guessing I was about 10 when I started watching Young Ones on MTV (which I was a little young for it). Now my own son is almost 9. He always knew I watch British shows but more than...
  12. codfanglers

    Clarke view of Seymour

    I am in the middle of Andrew Vine's book. So I am slowly becoming more knowledgeable of the show (still, I will never catch up with some of you). There was a ton of praise about the character, Foggy, in the book. This wasn't surprising. However, what took me for a bit of a surprise is that...
  13. codfanglers

    Mucky Neck?

    Hello Everyone, Yesterday I watched Desperate for a Duffield. Everyone kept saying how the lady Compo was looking for had a "Mucky Neck." I don't even know if I am saying it right. What is it?
  14. codfanglers

    Favorite Entwistle Scene or Quote

    Hello Everyone, I just sent a belated post in the "Gone But Not Forgotten" thread for Burt Kwouk. I encourage all to read it. I am very grateful for Kwouk's contributions to Summer Wine, especially considering I am a huge fan of the post-Compo era. Entwistle was a great addition to the whole...
  15. codfanglers

    Nice Summer Wine Article

    Hello everyone, I have been one and off here lately, and will contribute more soon. Thanks to Maryland Public Television for this lovely article on the Summer Wine cast. Enjoy, (and of course, you can copy and paste it if it isn't a...
  16. codfanglers


    I noticed thhere is a count of people currently on the site from the homepage. The list includes members, guests, and ........ robots? Is this a joke or is this really the online viruses, etc that try to steal identities and do other harm? If neither, what is it?
  17. codfanglers

    Random Questions

    Hello Brit Brethren and Fellow Yanks, I am just finishing my Spring Break and I report back to work tomorrow. My job and family demands don't allow me here much, and I only got to catch a few season 6 episodes while I was on break. For example, I missed Odd Dog Men due to my sons' dentist...
  18. codfanglers

    From Redundant to Retired

    I may have brought this up a few years back, but after viewing Series 28 and pondering how different it was from the early years, I ask this question. At what point in the show does the trio go from retired to redundant? I believe this is totally hypothetical and it may be fun to think and...
  19. codfanglers

    A Healthy Dose of Series 28

    Hello Folks, I am soon heading back to work after my Winter Break. My kids kept me busy to the point where I wasn't able to contribute much to the forum, but I will try to make up for a little bit of it this evening. I did however, get to view Summer Wine throughout my break. I felt it was very...
  20. codfanglers

    Starting my Winter Break

    Hello Brit Brethren and Fellow Yanks, Perhaps, I might be around a little more here from now until around Jan. 3rd. My winter break has begun. Logic says I will be able to catch the afternoon showings of Summer Wine now that I am off work for a week and a half, however, my family life...