Search results

  1. WesleyRocks

    Snow, Florida, What?!?!

    Never in a million years after moving to Florida (however 8 miles from Georgia) did I ever think I would see this. I grew up in Pennsylvania, so I've experienced this many times. But, Florida!!!!
  2. WesleyRocks

    3 chicks named

    My wife and I got 3 baby chicks and of course had to name them. Here is what we chose.
  3. WesleyRocks

    True UK food?

    Hello All, I went to my local grocery store and noticed a UK flag stuck to one of the shelves. Obviously it caught my attention. So, they have a UK section now. I purchased some Yorkshire Tea, a sleeve of Rich tea biscuits, and a Bounty bar. Are these real items that you see in your grocery...
  4. WesleyRocks

    Compo's sandwich

    I've been watching the series through and I just watched The Waist Land. In the show Compo says he has a cheese sandwich with a bit of mustard. 7:11 mark on the Youtube version. Anyway, is that for real?? That just seems like a very large slice of cheese? I've eaten cheese sandwiches before...
  5. WesleyRocks

    Good day

    I got to meet a Nascar driver today at work, Dale Earnhardt Jr. His pilots and dogs were very nice too. Just thought I'd share!! Made my day!!!
  6. WesleyRocks

    Just thought this was a bit funny

    Sorry to all for this post, I want to apologize for putting a person up on our site cursing. I should not have done that. I guess I found it funny because I didn't know their meanings. I wouldn't like it if someone on that side of the pond would put up a comedian dropping the "F" bomb...
  7. WesleyRocks

    Last episodes

    We all know when Bill departed and which episodes were his last, but what about the other characters? Wesley? Edie? Sid? etc,etc... I was just wondering if anyone had a list of these, I would like to see the last episode that Wesley was in, but I have no idea which one it was. I can...
  8. WesleyRocks

    A clean Wesley

    [/URL]/img] I've had to dress up 2 times in the last three weeks, torture. ;D, Made it through the entire daddy/daughter dance without getting oily :D
  9. WesleyRocks

    Florida Ice

    [/URL]/img] Here is Florida's big snow storm, which was more like an ice storm, but for Florida it was exciting!!!! Our car and part of the house.
  10. WesleyRocks

    The Coming of the Beast

    So I have just started getting into the non-compo years and today I watched "the coming of the beast". I thought that this was a very funny episode with both a balance of slap-stick(physical) and mischievousness as we have seen in the past when compo was around. I really enjoyed this episode...
  11. WesleyRocks

    Golden opportunity

    Hey Everyone, I wanted to put this out there because I feel like we are family here and I value you guys. I'm not sure what you believe works in these situations, whether its prayers/crossing fingers/wishing, whatever. For me its prayers, however I don't want this to get into a beliefs...
  12. WesleyRocks

    Riding trip 1/4/14

    [/URL]/img] The woods of Florida's National Forest [/URL]/img] Me, trying to get dirty!!! [/URL]/img] The riding crew!! [/URL]/img] Me and my awesome kiddos!!! So, these are pictures from today, we had a great time. I'm too tired to upload any videos, shoot for that tomorrow :D
  13. WesleyRocks

    Just thought I'd share

    Hello all, We had a riding weekend this past weekend, it is where we get together with family and friends, go out in the woods, take our ATVs, follow trails, see wildlife, get dirty, and get stuck sometimes. It is something we like to do to get us away from the city and get our minds off work...
  14. WesleyRocks

    Happy Birthday Compo!!!

    Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a great day
  15. WesleyRocks

    Fraud running rampant

    Hello all, Just a warning to watch your banking information. Over the last 5 weeks we have been victims of attempted fraud 3 times. I got a letter from a company (that I shop at frequently, name brand store) saying that they lost my debit card information and it might be a good idea to go get...
  16. WesleyRocks

    All I want for Christmas is....

    So, I thought I would start a topic on what everyone would like for Christmas. I'll start, Good health of course That Nora Batty tee shirt (love that thing) More LOTSW stuff Nice set of under shirts Gift cards to anywhere that sells tools :respect: New boots
  17. WesleyRocks

    Sorry to bother

    What is the episode where Edie thinks Wesley was in an accident and she showed a bit of love for the poor fella?
  18. WesleyRocks

    a few stone wall questions here

    I just got finished watching "where there is smoke there is barbeque". In one of the scenes, as in many episodes, there is a stone wall. This might be a silly question, it seems like a lot of the pasture land is not fenced off with wire fencing but stone walls, so, where do all of the stones...
  19. WesleyRocks

    Okay to brag a bit???

    Ok, So being that we are a family here, I thought I would brag a bit.... 8) My son is the new President of the elementary school he goes to. Really cool!!! Unfortunately at this moment, he has the flu, which really stinks since we got him a flu shot in August??? But, how cool!!! I think the...
  20. WesleyRocks


    Hello everyone, I started watching a show called Vintage Country Ways. Its a rural tractor/farming show narrated by an older gentleman name Eddie and is shown on stateside TV on the RFD channel. I was looking at their website and it looks like it is on Sky 212 & Freesat 401 over there. I love...