Search results

  1. M

    The Bridge in Series 29 ep9

    Yes, I recognized the bridge immediately, walked there quite a number of times in the past when in Holmfirth. Hope very much to be able to do that again next summer.
  2. M

    Series 31 what did we think about episode 2

    Lost my original reply, because I wanted a preview, thereafter could not get back to the relative message. So: I liked this episode, like I liked the first one last week. I enjoyed the scenes with Alvin and Entwistle, I am not sure about Hobbo, he is the lesser of the three. I also liked the...
  3. M

    Series 31 what did we think about episode 1

    I really enjoyed this first episode of ever last series of LOTSW, and I hope the next 5 episodes are at least as nice as this one, they may be funnier I think. The actors are getting older and older, and I think that the producer has to be careful with what they want these actors to do. Even...
  4. M

    Happy Birthday George!!

    Happy Birthday from me as well, I hope to see many more of your nice jokes on this website. Marianne.
  5. M

    BBC Licence Fee

    There is no radio and television licence fee in The Netherlands, up till 1988 there were such fees, so not only for television but also for radio. The fee was divided in fee A and fee B: A had to be paid by people in possession of a TV apparatus, and fee B by those who possessed a radio. The fee...
  6. M

    New Location Pictures

    Nice pictures, I am sure Graham and Raymond, separately, showed me all of them I think, I can't remember the name of the reservoir, there are so many of them. I don't think Terry that you showed me any of these beauty spots (that's what they really are!) last Thursday, did you, maybe the tow...
  7. M

    A Few More of Last Nights Pictures

    Lovely pictures, Terry, I wonder, what object reflected in the sun so nicely, the round red coloured thing? Marianne.
  8. M

    Spot the Difference Quiz Number 3

    I know of the bible belt of course, I think you are more of the age of my children, who are now 48, 43 and 40 resp., and they had a non-religious education, we are not members of any church or religion, so no religious burden at all. Even I myself, more of the age of your parents Gerrit...
  9. M

    Spot the Difference Quiz Number 3

    I forgot to explain what "dweil avonden" are: people go from the one pub to the other, having a drink (beer mostly) in each one, and this not seldom leads to drunks on the street. But one cannot take a real glass or bottle outside, plastic glasses are used. The other thing: I said I am from the...
  10. M

    Spot the Difference Quiz Number 3

    Hi Gerrit, Apart from the snow "carnaval" starts this weekend. The whole towncenter is filled with tents and stands where one can eat and drink (especially that I think ;), shops will be closed on Monday (because of the "optocht" parade) and most of them also on Tuesday. Life is totally...
  11. M

    Spot the Difference Quiz Number 3

    With the weather over here being the way it is, searching for differences in the Fun Quiz is a nice change to shopping, reading and watching the telly! It just is not possible to go cycling for fun now, and it has not been fun for the most part of autumn and winter, hate it! How is the weather...
  12. M

    Spot the Difference Quiz Number 3

    Well, I'll have a go, don't think it will be right, but anyway! I've printed the left side of picture, so where the car is featured, 3 times, all 3 you published. It seems, when holding them under a light, that maybe, just maybe, there is a slight difference in width/height of the car, but to...
  13. M

    Spot the Difference Quiz Number 3

    From left to right: 1. inside at the back in telephone box 2. lolly in left hand of girl with dark jacket 3. sole of right shoe of guy in dark blue jacket and blue jeans is lightcoloured on photo 1, shorter piece light photo 2 4. one white area instead of 2 white areas on fire extinguisher 5...
  14. M

    Spot the Difference Quiz Number 3

    I've checked the 3 pictures, and I really believe that Scruffy (hope that's the one who sent the 3rd picture) is right. I had found 8 of the differences myself already, the two remaining were the pocket on the brown trousers/jeans, and the difference in the branches of the tree top left. I think...
  15. M

    Powers of Observation Quiz

    Is there no window glass in the door next to driver? Marianne Smits-Jansen
  16. M

    Who is this

    Is it Barry's boss with whom he went playing golf? Marianne Smits-Jansen
  17. M

    Happy Birthday, Terry!

    Hi Terry, Happy birthday again, I sent an e-mail birthday wish to your other e-mail address, but having read all the birthday wishes on your site, I want to add mine there too! And I understand from the e-mail you sent to your friend Gerrit that you will pay a visit to our...
  18. M

    What did we all think

    There is a news item in the Huddersfield Examiner, saying "Last of the Summer Wine back on TV screens with six new episodes commissioned by the BBC. Filming will take place this summer in and around Holmfirth with the episodes screened in 2010. Well, better look up this item in the Huddersfield...
  19. M

    What did we all think

    David Jason may well fit in, but to be honest, aren't Cleggie and Frank Thornton getting too old? They are if I am correct over 85, I don't think they can go on for ever, and I thought already during the last episodes that Frank Thornton was not looking very well, not that he looked to be not...
  20. M


    Hi ****, There is no reason for you to speak Dutch, it is far better and useful to be able to speak English, which you apparently can! England is such a beautiful country, I've visited it (on coach tours mainly) almost yearly since 1992. Marianne.