Series 31 what did we think about episode 2


Staff member
I spotted it was not Peter or Frank actually standing in the open countryside in tonight's episode,well done though
Lost my original reply, because I wanted a preview, thereafter could not get back to the relative message. So:

I liked this episode, like I liked the first one last week. I enjoyed the scenes with Alvin and Entwistle, I am not sure about Hobbo, he is the lesser of the three. I also liked the episode with the red suitcase, when Pearl "kicked" it out, and when she didnot let Howard in. I didnot specifically like the library scene, very exaggerated, cannot believe any woman would act like miss Davenport. And Marina, I think she wants Howard back, maybe he should learn how to dress! I do hope the clothes he wears, and also of course the clothes every actor in the series wears, are washed now and again! ;)
I haven´t watched it yet, must wait until someone puts it on the internet. But of course I saw it live last November when we did the laughter track. But I can´t remember much about it, except that I fell for them standing outside when it was actually a green screen. They told me soon afterwards it was, neither Marco nor I had spotted that.
Just watched it. So far, I'm beginning to resort to thinking of Hobbo as just being there for Alvin and Entwistle to work off of, wind up or as Billy used to say take a wee-wee. There were a few lines Hobbo said that were good, but overall, very eh. Enjoyed the scenes with Barry and Glenda going on their new diet and exercise routine. It was also great to see Ivy along with Tom and Auntie Wainwright in this episode. Felt like they also gave a nod to the episode "Leaving Home Forever Til Teatime". As for Sallis and Thornton in front of the green screen. You could half tell and half not tell. I figured it was either a green screen or one of those bright spotlights on them that they usually shine depending on the lighting due to the weather. All in all, a better episode than the previous one.
I was deffinately looking forward to it and it didn't disappoint really.
The first scene with Clegg and Truley looked a bit strange, at first i thought it was possibly a nuance of the HD camera but soon realised it was more likely to be green screen, which has been confirmed by other members.

I think what we need to realise, is that both Roy and the production team are probably doing the best that they can with what is left of the orignal cast and the newbies, such as Hobbo and Toby.

It seems like this final series could well have been written so that the previous episode is flowing over into the next, the endings seem to keep the door open so as the next episode has slight links with the previous one.

Toby dragging Morton into the library, for a book to keep his "philandering" mind off Toby's estranged missus, carries over from the previous episode where Morton is supposed to help bring Toby and his wife back together.

Howard, looking for solace and Albania, is again a nod to last weeks episode, so if i'm right, i see this series working it's way towards a theme that connects each episode and hopefully culminating into a fitting end to the programme.
Only my opinion of course...But i offer it up, for what it's worth!

All in all, i'm enjoying the series and i'm trying my best not to annalise each episode, just to enjoy it for what it is, a damn good comedy programme.

G ; )
Better than the first - possibly because of slightly more involvement with Truly and Cleggy. Their role in the first episode had little to do with the remainder of the programme although I think it was so typically Norman Clegg - ever up there with popular culture!

The "outdoor" bit had me fooled initially.

It does seem that we have a thread running through the series. I can recall that quite a while ago episodes were not always transmitted in originally planned sequence which made some small references slightly out in terms of time line.