A Christmas walk around Holmfirth.

Interesting how many actual locations he did pass but never mentioned, maybe next year I can get someone who is steady with a camera and
we can really pin them down
As Sugar would say " You're Fired! " [Don't you wish Auntie would tell him that or he could sack himself] they binned LOTSW yet they give him series after series and do any of the people he hired in early series stay long working for him [format has changed I read they get cash to start business now]
Have you noticed TV shows are ramping up the rhetoric about the dreaded C word already, yet the other moneyspinner the even bigger C word, as in CON , Halloween, has yet to occur . There was a vox pop and a man said he was concerned that " Turkeys are going up" sorry fella I think your confused Turkeys don't really fly[ they run mostly to escape] it was either a gull or one of those Crow things
Have you noticed TV shows are ramping up the rhetoric about the dreaded C word already, yet the other moneyspinner the even bigger C word, as in CON , Halloween, has yet to occur . There was a vox pop and a man said he was concerned that " Turkeys are going up" sorry fella I think your confused Turkeys don't really fly[ they run mostly to escape] it was either a gull or one of those Crow things
I was in The Range today and they were playing C word songs!! Its ******* October!