A Dwarf Rabbit and Two Canarys

With current crop of alcoholic drinks in pubs every chance sherbet could be an ingredient but as Wellyman states its a term for any alcoholic drink .
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We had a cat named Smokey but I was a toddler so I don't remember much about him. I think he ran away. Then when I was 4, we got a kitten and named her Kristy and she was with us until I was about 17. Then, it's a funny story, but I was on probation at the time and my probation officer was looking to re-home his elderly cat and since our families knew each other before he became my probation officer, he asked if we wanted him. So that's how we ended up with Snowball and we had him until about a year and a half ago when he died. And then about a year ago when mom was scrolling through Facebook, a friend of our family posted that someone had abandoned a kitten on her porch and she posted a pic of the kitten and asked if anyone wanted her because she didn't, so that's how we got Layla and she's currently sleeping on her favorite blanket! Lol I also had a dog named Roxie in my teens and she was our neighbor's dog's best friend and even tho she's died now, Luna (the neighbor's dog) still comes over, so we buy dog treats for her.
What does a sherbet consist of? Obviously sherbet is one ingredient..
Sugar, bi-carb and citric acid… hmmm yummy :)
Sherbet Lemons, one of my favourite sweets along with Uncle Joes Mint Balls.
What we call sherbet over here is a kind of frozen dessert. It's kind of like ice cream but different. It's good, they use to give it to us for dessert in school. One time my friend used it to make this punch for her Halloween party back in high school and that was so good!
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