A new quiz

The two that come to mind are Chunky Wigglesworth in Here we go into the Wild Blue Yonder and Wind Power when Wigglesworth discovered America
Correct, actually there are Three, I forgot about Billy Ingleton and his Piano manufactured by 'Wigglesworth, Cleckheaton'
Sorry ,I think it was Chunky Rumbelow not Wigglesworth in ..Wild Blue Yonder.I must learn to think before I jump in with both feet.
I will hand the next question back to you. :)
My mistake too, I thought the 'Wild Blue Yonder One' was right :-[

Easy one this: Whom did Seymour's walk remind Compo and Cleggy of?
****, Randolph Scott was an American film actor from the 40's and 50's known for starring in western movies.
Oh, thank you, Scruffy! Maybe I should instead start asking my personal questions about all these mysterious things, at least for me they are mysterious (wrong age and nationality...) ;D.

What was Compo referring to when he said: "Norm, he´s got bells on it!"
That's from the episode, The Phantom Number 14 Bus and Truly compared Nora to "Butcher Gilligan"....Good episode!!

Compo: "Who's that, Aladdin?"...

"Some say there was a noise like a giant wind."
Compo: "Yanks"
