Hmmm...a post entitled "And here is the weather" is now about Flat Earth & Atheism?? WOW....imagine what would happen if one was labeled "
Antidisestablishmentarianism" LOL
And now...........................................................
The weather
Conditions at local time 12:05 on 06 December 2017
High Temperature 24.7 °C at 09:30
Low Temperature 23.3 °C at 11:43
Temperature Range 1.4 °C
High Apparent Temperature 23.5 °C at 09:30
Low Apparent Temperature 19.8 °C at 11:43
Low Wind Chill 23.3 °C at 11:43
High Heat Index 24.7 °C at 09:30
High Humidity 46 % at 11:19
Low Humidity 41 % at 10:05
Max UV Index 8
Highest Gust 33.5 km/h at 11:54
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 20.0 km/h (F4) at 11:56
Wind Run 44.1 km
Dominant Direction 181° S
High Pressure (SL) 1015.0 hPa at 09:00
Low Pressure (SL) 1014.0 hPa at 09:58
Dawn: 04:37 Sunrise: 05:05 Moonrise: 21:52
Dusk: 19:40 Sunset: 19:12 Moonset: 07:33
Daylight: 15:03 Day length: 14:07 Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
Did I miss anything??????????...LOL
By the way we are having a cool spell! It is now SUMMER here (Dec 1 to Feb 28/29) but the hottest months are usually Feb/March. Max Temps BELOW 30C will be few and far between for the next 4 months