Another Summer Wine comic...

a great one claye, excellent, made me laugh as usual, keep up the good work
That´s what I thought, Claye nailed Auntie Wainwright very well. Umm, can I put it like that? In German you wouldn´t say that... Would mean something different.
Here's comic #49 !! One more till the 50th! I'm sure everyone is as surprised as I am! lol There will DEFINITELY be a 50th one. I got it planned and thought out as I was doing this one. Enjoy!

fantastic claye, really like that one, cant believe you've done that many but there great, can't wait for the 50th one
The good old, traditional bolting out of the front door before Ivy gets a hold of them. Thats definitely a trademark Compo, Clegg, and Foggy move!
Well.... Here it is! The 50th (official-sort-of) Summer Wine fanart comic drawn!


Didn't think I would get this far and I'm still amazed at how many have enjoyed this. Not to mention the views this thread has.

More to come, obviously! Thanks all!
another great one claye, your a credit to the forum bringing us these every few weeks
Four years ago on this date, I made the first Last of the Summer Wine comic. It's amazing to me how long this has lasted and what has kept me going has been all the enjoyment and appreciation of these comics! Glad everyone is enjoying them!

Thanks to our moderator and site owner Terry for the idea suggestion of this comic!

Bravo sir, bravo! :)

Given that we've had strips with cameos from the Tenth Doctor, Hyacinth Bucket and co. - how about Summer Wine meets Top Gear?

Think about it. There's the tall pompous one with the vastly inflated opinion of himself (Foggy/ Jeremy Clarkson), the cheeky, scruffy, lovable one who'll do anything for a giggle (Compo/ Richard Hammond), and the sensible one who does his best to stop the other pair from killing each other (Cleggy/ James May). ;)