Another Summer Wine comic...

Great comic strip Claye thank you for posting . Only blokes could invent a game called Cold Feet where you stand in freezing water until you can stand it no more , on a par with Thumpy Dubs where you knock your opponent or both fall from a bridge into freezing water [ there's a theme here somewhere]
There was Banzai which was all about challenges where the audience watching on their TV were asked to select the correct answer as to what happened from a selection of three choices but that may not be the one you are thinking of Rod. May have been Takeshi's Castle which was about endurance.
It was an endurance one I think. One was where they had to keep on drinking copious quantities of cold water and see who would last longest before dashing off to relieve themselves.
Well done Claye, got them on left hand drive as well! Good attention to detail, that man!

Only comment is that we do not have Captains in our police - it would be a sergeant or Inspector, but how are you meant to know that!