Anyone into Bungee Jumping

Signed up once to bungee jump off a crane in a pub carpark for charity but when the brewery found out they put a stop it, something about liability and insurance nonsense so never got to do it.
Start saving your money for a trip next year
Make sure the safety harness is reliable!

My ~22-year-old grand-niece was doing a similarly dangerous sport - rock climbing on an indoor climbing wall, when she fell to the mats on the floor below. Fractured both bones in the left lower leg, one of them in two places, and sprained the right ankle. She's back at college now with a metal plate and a lot of screws in the left leg, a boot on each leg, and a knee scooter for mobility. Fortunately, she's living in a new residence hall at MassArt - completely handicapped accessible, and so is the rest of the campus, as well as much of downtown Boston.