Anyone seen this little clip before?

Don't know if it makes me out to be a fuddy duddy but I was not too impressed on first viewing. Spitting Image veered from the brilliant to the banal. This one (on first view) was part of the second .:( :30:
Please, no one kill me, but I thought that was freaking hilarious!!!!!! LOL
I had never seen this before, I think it represents a comedic view that is not everyones.

So some will find it really funny and others less than impressed. However it shows, to me, that people are still thinking about the programme. I wonder whether the originator was a fan or not?
I think Spitting Image is our version of the Americans South Park, when it goes in for the kill it offends many but delights many more.

Let's face it how many South Africans did Spitting Image offend? And I don't think the Royal family or any politician they had in their sights come off looking good. That was the nature of that beast, I never found it that funny except for the Chicken Song.

Like I never found the Young Ones funny but I was very out voted on that round here.

One man's joke is another mans offencive remark. I've thought many things were offencive which others took has jokes.
I find this mildly funny, but not totally my cup of tea. I can enjoy the edgy, "Young Ones" style of humor,
but please don't show Noramn Clegg like this! The world still has Peter Sallis, lets not rush anything!!!!
Thanks for posting that clip.

Not seen that since it was first shown. From memory it was 1990 before Foggy returned, but I could be wrong. If it was, then there were certainly many more series to come, which the clip predicted.

On a side note, I never expected LOTSW to last much longer around 1990. How wrong I was.
shows, to me, that people are still thinking about the programme. I wonder whether the originator was a fan or not?

Same here Barmpot. Funny, dark side of funny. Even though it may not be tasteful to some, I think it can be taken that, hey this show was on forever, and yes please do not rush Peter to this , but maybe up in heaven, those who have departed us may still be in front of a camera, and Compo finally gets to hold his NORA!!!!:28: