Bicycle problems


Staff member
What episodes can you recall that involved a bicycle crash/accident/problem. I bet there could be a long list and some we have forgotten
There are the obvious ones:

Forked Lightning
A Bicycle made for Three

And some others, I have the scenes in front of my eyes, but can´t recall the episodes.
Leaving home forever or till teatime

When you take a good bite Yorkshire tastes terrible
Cant remember the name of the episode but its the one where Compo jumps out and startles Nora when on her bike and after she is grounded :D,she pelts him with some sort of objects.I think its possibly in the earlier Foggy era.

There was also one with Cleggy and a few books on his bike and Howard leaps in front of him and wants to borrow the bicycle, Cleggy can´t stop in time and they collide and fall. Can´t remember the title.
Big Day at Dream Acres is one that springs to mind,the must be dozens more and we need George's skill to name them
The mystical squeak of Howards bicycle
Surprise at Throstlenest.
Edie and the Automobile
The Ice Cream Man Cometh
Downhill Racer
Truly and the Hole Truth
Have you got a Light Mate
Welcome To Earth
;) In search of childlike joy and the farthest reaches of the lotus position.
Has anyone mentioned The First Human Being to
Ride a Hill?? Howard and Marina on the same bicycle
crash as Compo streaks by in an Undercover Bicycle
built by Wesley.
Has anyone mentioned The First Human Being to
Ride a Hill?? Howard and Marina on the same bicycle
crash as Compo streaks by in an Undercover Bicycle
built by Wesley.
I asked if it counted Cciafone , Terry ok ed it ;)