Billy Hardcastle


Dedicated Member
Why was Billy Hardcastle written out of the show ?

By the way, i'm wearing a compression stocking on my leg, due to vascular disease,
when i get wrinkles in them, i look like Nora Batty.
I don't remember why, Cloggy. Thinking he got sick or something and could not continue on. I liked his character along with Alvin, Entwhistle, Barry and Tom, plus others. Felt they could have carried the show a little to give Clegg and Truly a rest to do the less taxing roles.
I can't remember if it was Alan Bell's book or the book by Andrew Vine but I read in one of them that one day he stumbled on the steps coming out of one of the trailers and hurt his ankle or foot.
Either way. Still am sorry to see that he left the Summer Wine crew so early. Liked his youthful zest of outdoor adventures, plus his willingness to sink a pint and complain about the wife and her sister.