Box set

I ordered mine on July 7th, with estimated delivery the week of October 6th. I return from three weeks in England on the 5th, so that will help with the let-down from having to come home.

There is always one in a group, and I seem to be that one. I couldn't find Series 25 & 26-2004-05. What am I doing wrong?
There is always one in a group, and I seem to be that one. I couldn't find Series 25 & 26-2004-05. What am I doing wrong?

We are talking Amazon, UK, and it depends where you look and what search terms you use.

Here it still indicates that release date has still not been announced:

But here we get the 29 September release date:

Well spotted, that man.
I wonder why I haven't had an email?

You must have been signed up for the email under ASIN B0093XFAOQ, the only listing for that set up to the point when the actual listing went up. The actual box set is listed under ASIN B00LFKIQPU.

The 27 & 28 listing has the same bogus look as the 25 & 26 one (ASIN B0093XFAOQ) had, so I wouldn't count on availability notification for the actual 27 & 28 set, since it probably will be listed a different ASIN.

Here's a copy of the message I posted on July 8th under Series 25 & 26 On The Way.

"I was signed up for email notification for 25 & 26 from Amazon, but it didn't happen because when they finally listed it for real, they put a different ASIN on it — B00LFKIQPU. BTW, the bogus listing for that set is still up there under ASIN B0093XFAOQ. They automatically signed me up for notification for 27 & 28, and I'm not counting on hearing about that, either because the listing for it is another bogus one. As soon as I receive my 25 & 26 set, I'll start checking for the next set once a month or so."

I will still believe it when I see it.

As they don`t have the proper artwork or information for this listing (the runtime is listed as 165 minutes) it doesn`t look too promising. Especially as this should be released in only 2 months time.
I will still believe it when I see it.

As they don`t have the proper artwork or information for this listing (the runtime is listed as 165 minutes) it doesn`t look too promising. Especially as this should be released in only 2 months time.

I'll post a message as soon as mine arrives. Amazon estimates delivery during the week of October 6th.

Since Amazon won't charge purchasers' credit cards until the item ships, it can't hurt to place the order now. Even if release is delayed, at least it'll be delivered on the first possible day.

I wouldn't be surprised to see the correct artwork, run time and other details on the Amazon UK web site during the week of September 29th, as soon as they have the set in the warehouse so they can scan the front of the box and copy the information from the back. I'll be watching for it from my lodging at Thorpe (Derbyshire) in between industrial heritage tours and lectures.

You may be right Marianna and I hope that you are.

If and when they change the price (it seems too high at the moment) then I will start to feel more confident...