Cafe price list

Bet the café didn't make much of a profit considering the prices and especialy at the beginning it was a very unsanitary place but it did get better but only saw it full once in an episode (the lunchtime rush!)
Bet the café didn't make much of a profit considering the prices and especialy at the beginning it was a very unsanitary place but it did get better but only saw it full once in an episode (the lunchtime rush!)

I also don't recall the cafe having that many tables in it, especially in the earlier episodes. There was a central table where the trio would sit and then what looked like one at the side. The cafe wasn't very big and most of the time the trio seemed to have it to themselves. For a while the cafe employed Nora and Wally, heaven knows how Sid and Ivy could afford to pay them, even if back then the average weekly wage was £20-£30, but probably less for catering establishments.
I heard at the beginning it was a paint store and at some point it was just turned into a café. Does anyone know what year that happened?

On the weekly pay note, I was just talking to my 76 year old father-in-law and he was telling me about "back in the day" and weekly pay. It is really neat to listen to elders and what they had to go through. I tell my kids to listen to older folks and gain their wisdom so you don't have to find out the hard way. Sometimes they do, I think most times not.
I heard at the beginning it was a paint store and at some point it was just turned into a café. Does anyone know what year that happened?

I think it was maybe 1980 or 1981, cause of the café change came in series 6 which was filmed in 1981 so around that time I think
Yes, it was a storeroom for the ironmongers (hardware store for US fans) shop that is still in the same building. I believe the space was used as a fish and chips shop prior to that.
yes sarkus you're right, it was a fish and chip far as guiding our children !!!! well theres only so much you can do and they make their own mistakes like we did...trouble is you worry about them be they 17 or 57...the price of parenthood.