Characters you would have liked to see more of.


Dedicated Member
As I'm once again back at the start of my Summerwine rotation, I've been thinking about characters we only saw once that I would have liked to see again around town. Some that stand out:

Vicar in "Of Funerals and Fish" - He and Clegg seemed to have a shared interest in philosophical issues. It would have been interesting to see Clegg's doubts about religion developed a bit more, especially with the later statement that his brother in law was a vicar or some other religious figure.

Arnpepper in "Ballad for Wind Instruments and Canoe" - a great early looney who could have been brought back for more based on his desire to make himself famous.

Percy/Dirk in "A Bicycle Made for Three" - they spend a lot of time in this episode setting up the character, who we never see again. Obviously Auntie filled a similar role several years later, but Percy had a style of his own.

The Sweep in "A Clean Sweep" - he was one of the "barmpots" they encountered over the years that was actually in their age group. He's played very sympathetically and I came away hoping we'd see him again.

That's my top of my head list. What are some others?
Brian Glover as Ogden Butterclough.

For me the finest guest star.

Think he worked in insurance - though it would have been interesting if in each appearance he had a different job.

Trouble is though, after some fantastic debut guest appearances, many characters were brought back on a very regular basis, and sometimes outstayed their welcome.
Bernard Cribbins as Gavin Hinchcliffe would have been a good choice strangely they hired Jo Tewson as Miss Davenport after her appearance with him "in which Gavin Hinchcliffe loses the Gulfstream"
Kevin the UFO enthusiast played by Mark Curry,
Billys miserable Brother in law Bradley,
And I'm with Wstol,Ogden Butterclough was brilliant.
Bernard Cribbins as Gavin Hinchcliffe would have been a good choice strangely they hired Jo Tewson as Miss Davenport after her appearance with him "in which Gavin Hinchcliffe loses the Gulfstream"

Roy Clarke was familiar with her work as she appeared as Elizabeth in Keeping Up Appearances.
I would not denigrate Jo Tewson's work she was excellent in her many roles with Ronnie Barker and having her in the show was a plus as a second forlorn spinster desperately searching for romance, the scenes where Marina and her "compare notes" is a nice "new" thread they added to the show .

I just think Bernard Cribbins is a really strong actor who could have brought something to the show . The episode shows them both as strong characters which they could have developed but perhaps they thought Miss Davenport [single] + Gavin Hinchcliffe[married] = Marina[single] + Howard [married] so you have two identical threads but for the fact Howard chased Marina whilst Miss Davenport was chasing Gavin .
I thought Frank Middlemass as Judd should have been a semi-regular.

The character of Judd seemed so realistic, knowing everyone's business like all hairdressers and barbers seem to.

There was certainly time during the show's run to bring back Judd.

I also think Frank Middlemass could have even returned to the show in a different role (I was thinking a young at heart, large camper van driving, bee keeping, would-be womanising show off - partly based on his As Time Goes By character, partly based on my own experiences).
I am being so Bias here but of course I would have liked to have seen more of Amos Hames.( The Bandit from Stoke on Trent ). A couple of return performances would have been good.
I always liked Cousin Aubrey.

I don't know if it was the character that I liked so much as the role of the overbearing cousin. I know, he did appear in two episodes instead of one.

How about the insurance saleman that the trio tried to help out in Keeping Britain Tidy. I enjoyed him walking around with the tire. I forget his name.
I thought Frank Middlemass as Judd should have been a semi-regular.

The character of Judd seemed so realistic, knowing everyone's business like all hairdressers and barbers seem to.

There was certainly time during the show's run to bring back Judd.

I also think Frank Middlemass could have even returned to the show in a different role (I was thinking a young at heart, large camper van driving, bee keeping, would-be womanising show off - partly based on his As Time Goes By character, partly based on my own experiences).

The barbershop scene where he was pushing Blamire's head to and fro reminds me of getting my hair cut about age 6 or 7. It was just like that , the barber only cut one style. Short back and sides . :12:
The barbershop scene where he was pushing Blamire's head to and fro reminds me of getting my hair cut about age 6 or 7. It was just like that , the barber only cut one style. Short back and sides . :12:

He was quite a character. Even when I was a toddler in the late 70's and early 80's, I remember our barber. I think a lot of those male barbers who ran their own shops were interesting characters.
Apart from Armpepper/ Arnpepper (my hearing tells me one thing , other wino's spell it the other way??? ) I would have liked to have seen more of Gunnershaw (according to prophet Bickerdyke) He could have slotted in as a casual visitor. :p: :)
Apart from Armpepper/ Arnpepper (my hearing tells me one thing , other wino's spell it the other way??? ) I would have liked to have seen more of Gunnershaw (according to prophet Bickerdyke) He could have slotted in as a casual visitor. :p: :)


Look at the end credits.
He was quite a character. Even when I was a toddler in the late 70's and early 80's, I remember our barber. I think a lot of those male barbers who ran their own shops were interesting characters.

Seems to be same all over the UK we lived in what used to be a Mining Village for a while and the Barber also only had one style. You'd ask for a Paul McCartney or Keith Richards, cut there would be a pause of two minutes he'd start ten minutes later short back and no sides . Ironically his shop was next to Harry Dunn the butcher and it was a toss up if it was better to go the the Barbers or put your head on Harry's Block and ask him to take a bit off.
Did he not already get mentioned? Brian Glover as Ogden Butterclough.

Ahhhhh, this is the difference between me and most of you regulars here. Like others here, I absolutely adore Summer Wine, however I don't have have deep knowlesge that you all have, such as knowing each name and actor of each guest or recalling which episode each scene is from.

I love the show nonetheless.