
Hi Brian, I really hope you make a full recovery!!

I know LOTSW is great for your mental health (and should be prescribed on the NHS!) but hopefully it can aid a physical recovery too!!!!!!!
Here's another drone fan. I have eleven of them ! - None of them are "spying" type drones though, but small racing drones. It's fun to fly them fast through the countryside and between trees, using goggles. Usually between the trees, but often hitting them.
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I haven't been out much with the drone lately due to a number of factors. The side effects of Chemo are of course a big factor that basically knocks me from much activity for about a week and a half every three weeks, but we have been having a lot of wet stuff falling from the sky lately too! Water and electronics don't mix!

&7, if they had been available when I was younger I could see myself getting into the racing drone scene, but my get up and go has got up and went as they say so I am quite happy just quietly committing aviation!:p. I have had my share of "excitement" and I think the Adrenaline tap has dried up!:13::12::)
To be honest I find that flying electric r/c model aircraft is more satisfying and relaxing. I have had a few "Dogfights" with my brother and his plane. There's more time to think and get yourself out of trouble with winged aircraft, plus the reaction from the public is less negative.
You forget I used to fly REAL aircraft and have really "played" dogfighting with others. Also there were a couple of occasions when Robin Hood DID try and shoot me down and the pillock wasn't using arrows!!!!!!

Not comparing myself with real military combat pilots or suggesting anything even close to their field of endeavor in hostile areas, but can you believe some people actually didn't like a police aircraft hanging around????? What is more unbelievable is that on occasion they expressed their displeasure by throwing little bits of lead very rapidly in my direction?

Luckily (unlike some countries) machine guns and the like are not easily obtained here so I never faced anything more than a few hopefully aimed rifles (a couple even managed to hit...didn't know until after when a mechanic found the holes) but it does tend to focus the mind!!:08:
Talking of Chemotherapy.................................had my second round last Friday. It is NASTY stuff.

(looks for sympathy..........Not a sausage!)
On the contrary Brian I cannot imagine what you are going through at present I , and I am sure my fellow Winos, wish nothing but the best in this fight you have on your hands take care mate .