Cigarettes and Alcohol

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I still can't firgure out why the British Government wanted to charge tax on Pasties. No I don't live in Britain but am surrounded by Brit tourists and when the pasties come up (I mean in conversation) they all laugh at your PM....

Have a guess.
I'll give you two options, see which one you think it could be......

1) Pasties tend to be eaten more by the working/lower classes as convenience/TV food and Cameron really cares about the health and well being of the lower and working classes and will do all he can to do it for their own good, so that they realise that Pasties aren't only too expensive now, but they are clogging up arteries all over the country.

2) The kind of people that Cameron is interested in and mixes with wouldn't eat pasties in a Million years, or ever find themselves in the situation where they would need a reasonably cheap, yet quite filling meal. However, he knows the kind of people that he doesn't care a toss about eat pasties by the wheelbarrow load as a 'class' or social strata and has discovered yet another easy way of taxing the poor and lower classes with a view to redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top. With a massive increase in revenue boost from taxation from a staple foodstuff of the lower classes, you can then keep those who vote for you and give you massive Party fund donations onside by giving them Tax cuts at any and every opportunity.