
Without re-watching the early series , cant be sure Gill.:redface:

By way of a reminder LOTSW from the start commences on Gold tomorrow with the Pilot "Of funerals and fish" at 09:20 followed by episodes 1 and 2 from Series 1 so someone may get a chance to confirm in the coming days without dragging out the DVD's
It still seems fairly fashionable for teenagers to smoke.

A large number STILL take it up these days.


Schools and TV have educated the young about the dangers of smoking. Older relatives would or should have advised most strongly against it. After all the warnings over the last 40 years or whatever it is, and you see an 18 year old smoking.

It doesn't make sense.

I can recall showing anti-smoking films in schools 45 years ago when I was a science teacher. Did not have much of an impact as most of the science staff seemed to smoke! Double was they showed these moody shots of somebody doing interesting things with some great jazz in the background and smoking - never quite worked the way intended!
Noticed in the first episodes on tv this week the smoking and swearing is non stop I enjoy these early episodes and its noticeable how the show changed over the years I must admit to being a Foggy fan and an admirer of Seymour and these years are my favourites.