I didn't want to start a new thread but a couple of things musical , the BBC prom tonight is the music of Quincy Jones its on BBC 4 at 22:00 . I think ,whilst not classical music, it will be an excellent watch .
I also want to mention the sad passing of Jazz Great Toots Thielmans who died today age 94 . Any Jazz lovers on the forum will have heard of him I am sure he played with all the greats Sidney Bechet, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Oscar Peterson and Benny Goodman .
Despite all of that he is probably most famous for two things , he was the harmonica player on Sesame Street and his most iconic piece is probably the opening title to the film Midnight Cowboy which , even if you have not seen the film , you would know [you can listen to it on You Tube] . I think he was probably a player on a par if not greater than the magnificent Larry Adler.