Looks like this is still available, no rush to buy! Actually, this tells you a lot about the UK house price bubble of the last 20-30 years. The price of this at nearly £200,000, while out of reach of the majority, unless you have a similar overpriced property to sell, has come along way and it's not just due to it being a famous location. In fact, as famous locations go this is cheap!
I'm sure others here remember the UK sit com from the 70's The Good Life, which over 4 series plotted the exploits of Tom and Barbara Good as they tried to go self sufficient in Surbiton. In one episode, Tom tries to secure a pension income of a few thousand pounds a year (I'm going from memory so it might be less, but it tells you a lot about monetary inflation) to cover him and Barbara in old age from his bank. He's prepared to put up his property as collateral, the bank would inherit it after they have both died. The bank manager laughs at this proposition because the value of the property can't be guaranteed and they might live a long time costing the bank a few grand a year!
Well, moving forward 20 years or so, Tom Good's "house" was sold back in 2001, for around £500,000! They are today valued at getting on towards a million! What a crazy world. Some might say that the bank manager was silly for not accepting, but of course the character portrayed a more traditional type bank manager, not the risk taking bankers of the modern world. Risk taking banks that love inflated house prices as they are now seen as assets, not homes.