Coconut Mushrooms.

Sorry to talk about hospital's again., but we have had people come in in and let's say they are in a confused state of mind. We found out they had been eating magic mushroom's!
They look delicious. If they come from a sweet shop then they must be yummy. Haven't seen anything like them here in the States. The nearest I get is chocolate candies filled with coconut. Yum!!!:14::thumbsup:
Pearl, like a lot of funghi purveyors you have been very coy in divulging the source of these delights, only so far as saying it is a local sweetie shop in town , protecting your source so they don't sell out !!!:08:
I quite like these:

I want one! :30:

According to an ancient rhyme which I have plagiarised for comic effect

Sugar and Spice and Coconut Ice [ god I hope that's what in the picture Barmpot or I am going to look a right muffin] that's what little girls are made of, so Beth just bite your thumb ! :eek::eek::eek: