Coffee Mornings


Staff member
I'm just watching Catching Digby's Donkey and its just occurred to me that the scene in the cafe where Ivy, Nora and Pearl are discussing if Howard was better off with " That daft lot" or with another woman, looks like the beginnings of the coffee morning skits. I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, that its the first time ladies have had their own scene.

Anyone know of any earlier scenes?
It would be nice to know when the skits started so research away, please let us know what you find out it will be interesting to see. :)
It would be nice to know when the skits started so research away, please let us know what you find out it will be interesting to see. :)

Ahh yes, that is the beauty of watching Summer Wine from beginning to end; to see the evolution of the show. This means watching it and seeing the first signs of coffee mornings, the introduction to Wesley (the start of the hapless mechanic role), etc. There is nothing like seeing the changes and additions slowly develop.

Sorry, I got too off track I guess. As I mentioned before, I sometimes like the ladies as much as the men! Sometimes hanging out with them during coffee time seems as appealing as frollicking in the hills with the guys. I have a deep appreciation for the ladies. My grandmother on my dad's side was like Nora. Mhy grandmother on my mom's side was like Roz.
Pearl that is something that I never really thought about. I do know that Pearl went into the Cafe to look for Howard, asking Crusher. Wasn't Digby Donkey the first Howard and Pearl were introduced? :confused: I just like seeing the evolution of something as SW. Just to say, hey that's right, that is when they started Coffee Morning. Good observation!!!

I agree, thing u be right Pearl
I agree, since Catching Digby's Donkey is the first one to bring in Pearl, it would seem that is the first of the Coffee Mornings.

There was a time with just Nora and Ivy in " And a Dewhurst Up a Fir Tree." Ivy went to Nora's to talk about the problem with Compo attacking them all the time. The had a cup of coffee as they planned their strategy to out-maneuver Compo. It could be considered a pre-cursor to the Coffee Mornings.
That sounds about right to me too. I think it was a long time coming for the ladies really.
There was a coffee morning at Pearl's with a whole bunch of ladies and the Miss Davenport (Josephine Tewson) was in attendance. She was the only one who did not actually hold her cup and saucer; which is not notable except that as Elizabeth on KUA, she was forever fumbling and dropping her cup and saucer.
So did they do the synchronized drinking gag to punctuate a statement? That kind of requires that everyone start from the same position.

Curiosity finally got the best of me and I did a little checking. As far as I can tell the first Official Coffee Morning at Edie's house was the first episode of the 1988 season in "The Experiment." They even called it a Coffee Morning. Pearl appears to be new to their coffee mornings. They used White China with a wide Silver border.

The next season (1989) they brought the Coffee Mornings back in "Come Back Jack Harry Teesdale." The China used was White with a small silver border. There were several episodes with Coffee Mornings through the 1989 season.

When Foggy came back in "Return of the Warrior" (1990) the Coffee Morning's returned with some changes. Edie was now using her flowered China. And I think it's the first time they used the synchronized coffee drinking. (That was the director's idea and it was so well liked, they kept doing it.)

Let me know if you find any earlier Coffee Mornings that I missed.

This episode also starts the battle of who will get the biggest pastry. Anyone know who the first winner was?