Connections with As Time Goes By


Dedicated Member
Yesterday, after watching Desperate for a Duffield, I saw Mike Grady (Barry) play the herald in As Time Goes By. Earlier someone mentioned the barber from Short Back and Palais Glide was the same actor that played Rocky. I always recognized Barry in the herald costume but would have never caught the fact that the barber was Rocky. Since a lot of you are so good at catching these little details I thought I would ask if you can spot any other links between the two shows.

Also, while I am at it... are there any links between KUA and Summer Wine other than Josephine Tewson?

France's Cox, who played the miserable Mrs Thrupp in "The Old Folks Party" episode of ATGB, appeared 3 times in LotSW, most notably as Jessie in "Happy Anniversary Gough and Jessie" (was also in "Flower Power Cut" and "Thr Suit that Turned Left")
And regarding Keeping up Appearances, John Evitts who played Bruce (Violets husband) in 3 episodes, was Digby in "Catching Digbys Donkey"
France's Cox, who played the miserable Mrs Thrupp in "The Old Folks Party" episode of ATGB, appeared 3 times in LotSW, most notably as Jessie in "Happy Anniversary Gough and Jessie" (was also in "Flower Power Cut" and "Thr Suit that Turned Left")

She was also in Open All Hours :)
One similarity is that the women routinely go to the church to clean it, and in both instances, Roy Clarke managed to find humor in these mundane tasks. In KUA, Rose climbs a ladder in a very short skirt. In LOTSW, Compo climbs on the shoulders of the other two to try to peer into the window.
Thanks so much PK Durham,

That is why I ask such questions. I don't know how some of you know all these things!
Why?????? time goes by ??????

now this may be a trifle controversial [but to be honest,i don't care],but "as time goes by" should not,i repeat not, be uttered in the same breath as our special show.
There is gentle comedy.....then there is "as time goes by" just is not funny !!!!
Maybe i am 30 years too young [i am in my late 40's],but i just don't get it ??????
Miss dench,and mr palmer may well be great actors [more specific to miss dench !!!],but it is so inane i fail to see the appeal to anyone.
It reminds me of the middle class sitcoms i loathe so much nowadays,[outnumbered,my family etc... Etc...]
each to their own but,for me,it does not deserve airtime on sky "comedy" slots,when,for some strange reason,l.o.t.s.w. Has been taken off [which is even more surreal,considering it was one of "uk gold's most watched shows.]
Best wishes to all,
Sorry Moody Blue you are totally wrong about As Time Goes By it was one of the best comedies produced on tv the cast were supreme and the ongoing story line struck a cord with many many people.The dialogue between the two main characters was masterful with many quips that you could relate to which is impossible with the so called comedies nowadays especialy from the USA.Witness their crassness, today a remake of teat writing in both comedy and serious writing.Oh and don't get mw started on Miss he James Heriot series is to be made and surprise surprise its going to be sexed up and probably have people in it that never figured in Alf Whites books.Our show would probably have Compo in bed with Nora and Glenda having an affair with the insurance man and Foggy would be a Russian spy. So as you can see comedy real comedy is no longer written and it is a great shame that my generation is the only one to have been treated to great writing,and don't get me started on ITV,s Miss Marple what a travesty !
now this may be a trifle controversial [but to be honest,i don't care],but "as time goes by" should not,i repeat not, be uttered in the same breath as our special show.
There is gentle comedy.....then there is "as time goes by" just is not funny !!!!
Maybe i am 30 years too young [i am in my late 40's],but i just don't get it ??????
Miss dench,and mr palmer may well be great actors [more specific to miss dench !!!],but it is so inane i fail to see the appeal to anyone.
It reminds me of the middle class sitcoms i loathe so much nowadays,[outnumbered,my family etc... Etc...]
each to their own but,for me,it does not deserve airtime on sky "comedy" slots,when,for some strange reason,l.o.t.s.w. Has been taken off [which is even more surreal,considering it was one of "uk gold's most watched shows.]
Best wishes to all,

Oh, I guess I will respond to this. I don't want to write too much about another show in a General Discussion thread. I was not saying it is as good as Summer Wine. I am only trying to see what other actors might have had roles in both shows by coincidence. For me, As Time Goes By is an outstanding show, especially when Rocky and Madge are involved and most especially when Penny and Steve are in it. I am 40 years old, but just love following Lionel and Jean. My wife and I see ourselves as a younger Lionel and Jean and I can definitely relate to Lionel a lot.

I support Geoffrey Palmer as well. I always remembered him on Fawlty Towers. "I am a doctor and I want my sausages!"

PS - Despite our disagreement, you are a great addition to the forum, Keith.
It never fails to amaze me how we're here because we all love one show but have totally different tastes in other comedies such as, I love As Time Goes By but can't stand Fawlty Towers, Only Fools was funny the first time round but I won't watch it now because it's got boring YET I'll watch Summer Wine until it comes out of my ears. What a strange lot we are but I suppose that's what makes the world interesting.
as has been said a million times...... "if we all liked the same things,life would be very boring".
I just find middle england,middle class,"uber gentle" comedies [?????] distasteful.
Maybe it is my tough northern upbringing,but i find the show banale.
Obviously,it cannot be an "age thing",because my friend in america enthused about it,and he is only 40 !!!!
Anyway,this is my second and last rant on the subject [thank god i hear you all shout !!!!]
let's get back to dicussing the greatest series ever shown on god's green earth !!!!!
Best wishes to each and everyone [even the "as time goes by" fans !!!!!]
i hope you all have a wonderful weekend ['cos it's friday here in liverpool !!!]
Would you rather have uber banal or would you rather have in your face sex and other garbage that passes for current TV fare. Uber banal wins everytime. Yes, Howard contrives to get together with Marina but they barely have time to squeeze in a cuddle.
It never fails to amaze me how we're here because we all love one show but have totally different tastes in other comedies such as, I love As Time Goes By but can't stand Fawlty Towers, Only Fools was funny the first time round but I won't watch it now because it's got boring YET I'll watch Summer Wine until it comes out of my ears. What a strange lot we are but I suppose that's what makes the world interesting.

I know that I, for one, have a variety of interests. I will take the British programming in the US, for example. The three staple shows that are everywhere are Are You Being Served, Keeping Up Appearances, and As Time Goes By. Some Public Television Stations around the country will show a lot less British programming but they will at least have those three programs. Additional shows other stations will carry will include Summer Wine, Waiting for God, Vicar of Dibley, etc. I have grown to like or love every one of those shows except for Are You Being Served. For Some reason, I just can't get into it and it has been on the air since I was a child.

Later in this thread As Time Goes By has been called an "Uber Banal" program. I guess that means a really safe, tame, slow show. Keith for one, was baffled as to why someone like myself, who is 40, watches that show. Once again, I can't explain it. I am also someone who likes the wilder programs like the Young Ones, Idiot Abroad, and Sasha Baron Cohen. I also like some of the newer comedies that I know some don't like on this forum. They include My Family and the Office.

As Time Goes By isn't something that I would normally watch. There is just something comforting about following the characters and the storylines from first series until the end.
The eternal themes in As Time Goes By are as follows: Senior citizens are not has beens, they can fall in love again; and how war can interrupt lives. These themes are not too farfetched as there are real life couples who were separated by circumstances and met again years later and picked up right where they left off. And back in the 50's when there was no email or international calls, there were probably many lost letters that served to bring a sudden halt to relationships.
Hello, now this may be a trifle controversial [but to be honest,i don't care],but "as time goes by" should not,i repeat not, be uttered in the same breath as our special show.
There is gentle comedy.....then there is "as time goes by" just is not funny !!!!

Thought I would join in this interesting discussion and use this quote as a starting point. It is that point about LOTSW and 'As Time Goes By' not being mentioned in the same breath. Let's start with a definition of comedy:

A dramaticworkthatislightandoftenhumorousorsatiricalintoneandthat usuallycontainsahappyresolutionofthethematicconflict.

In other words, comedy is not necessarily funny or humorous. Consider just three of Shakespeare's comedies. Twelfth Night might well be considered funny. As You Like it had the occasional humorous passage. In contrast, Merchant of Venice might be considered extremely serious.

'As Time goes by' is a completely different genre from LOTSW. For one thing, it had a running story line. Miss one episode and one could be in difficulty picking up the thread. In contrast, with a couple of minor exceptions, each episode of LOTSW stands alone. In modern parlance I would call 'As Time Goes By' light entertainment as opposed to comedy.

I just find middle england,middle class,"uber gentle" comedies [:confused:??] distasteful."

I cannot help but think Roy Clarke's 'Keeping Up Appearances'might be considered to fall into this category. Others of this ilk which I much enjoy might be 'To the Manor Born', 'The Good Life', 'The Darling Buds of May', 'Ever decreasing Circles' several of which were written, like 'As Time Goes By', by Bob Larbey.

chacun à son goût
I know that I, for one, have a variety of interests. I will take the British programming in the US, for example. The three staple shows that are everywhere are Are You Being Served, Keeping Up Appearances, and As Time Goes By. Some Public Television Stations around the country will show a lot less British programming but they will at least have those three programs. Additional shows other stations will carry will include Summer Wine, Waiting for God, Vicar of Dibley, etc. I have grown to like or love every one of those shows except for Are You Being Served. For Some reason, I just can't get into it and it has been on the air since I was a child.

Later in this thread As Time Goes By has been called an "Uber Banal" program. I guess that means a really safe, tame, slow show. Keith for one, was baffled as to why someone like myself, who is 40, watches that show. Once again, I can't explain it. I am also someone who likes the wilder programs like the Young Ones, Idiot Abroad, and Sasha Baron Cohen. I also like some of the newer comedies that I know some don't like on this forum. They include My Family and the Office.

As Time Goes By isn't something that I would normally watch. There is just something comforting about following the characters and the storylines from first series until the end.

I believe a lot of people , not all by any means, enjoy comedies within which they identify with the scenarios portrayed or the characters themselves because they know people who are real life incarnations of the on-screen characters. I for one totally identify with Are You Being Served as I worked for a short time in a Tailors shop and whilst the plots are embellished for comedic effect there are definitely aspects of the show which occurred for real in the shop where I worked.

In a similar vein I have a great fondness for HI DE HI because I had many Holidays at Butlins at a time when any number of the scenarios seen in the show could be witnessed for real. In terms of age and watching a particular show I do not think there is always that analagy ,Dad's Army [as I am sure there are plenty of examples] is watched by all ages , in the documentary about the show[Narrated by Victoria Wood] there was testimony to this by some of the celebrities taking part like Jack Dee whose young sons loved it .
Tony Millan appeared in ATGB as a Gorillagram and in LOTSW as Gunnie in According to the Prophet Bickerdyke.

To join in the discussion, I can understand why people say that AGTB is not funny but the cast makes it work for me. Geoffrey Palmer deserves to be recognized as one of the great sitcom actors of all time.