Connections with As Time Goes By

Tony Millan appeared in ATGB as a Gorillagram and in LOTSW as Gunnie in According to the Prophet Bickerdyke.

To join in the discussion, I can understand why people say that AGTB is not funny but the cast makes it work for me. Geoffrey Palmer deserves to be recognized as one of the great sitcom actors of all time.

I have never watched ATGB and I don't think I will however ,I agree totally re Geoffrey Palmer really good as the long suffering Ben in Butterflies and Jimmy the forgetful ex army brother of Elizabeth , Reggie Perrin's wife . The infamous line aptly sums up my attempts at all things chefy " Cock up on the Catering front"
Mr geoffrey palmer ?????

i don't want to rain on anyone's parade...nor do i wish to be the founder member of the "mr. Palmer is overated society",but i am afraid to say,i just don't get the adulation my fellow members are bestowing on him ????.
His dialogue and acting "style" is exactly the same in "butterflies" as it is in "as time goes by".
It is just him.....being him !!!! [watch an interview with him....he does not play characters....he just plays himself !!!]
in "reggie perrin",he is just himself being a trifle more "manic".
Please prove me wrong,by mentioning other shows/films were he has shone ????.
To be honest....i find him completely one dimensional.
Rant over !!!!!
i don't want to rain on anyone's parade...nor do i wish to be the founder member of the "mr. Palmer is overated society",but i am afraid to say,i just don't get the adulation my fellow members are bestowing on him ????.
His dialogue and acting "style" is exactly the same in "butterflies" as it is in "as time goes by".
It is just him.....being him !!!! [watch an interview with him....he does not play characters....he just plays himself !!!]
in "reggie perrin",he is just himself being a trifle more "manic".
Please prove me wrong,by mentioning other shows/films were he has shone ????.
To be honest....i find him completely one dimensional.
Rant over !!!!!

I don't think anyone would claim that Geoffrey Palmer is as versatile as somebody like Ronnie Barker, for example, but he certainly isn't one dimensional. Try watching his chilling performance as a child molester in Inspector Morse for a start.

10 Geoffrey Palmer comedy appearances that people should seek out:

Reginald Perrin
Fawlty Towers
Whoops Apocalypse
Fairly Secret Army
Hot Metal
A Fish Called Wanda
As Time Goes By
At Home with the Snails (radio sitcom)

I don't think any actor could have a 60 year career quite so successful if they were one dimensional to be honest.
I have enjoyed his performances on ATGB for many years and he seems to have only gotten better as the years go by. I have heard that he is very generous with acting advice and very supportive of fellow thespians.
That graet actor,who was in all of those great shows. your surname "palmer" by any chance ???????
Each to their own etc...etc.....,but......,i'm not convinced.
To be honest,i don't even know why i got involved in the "is geoffrey palmer a boring,one dimentional, actor ,with limited ability"debate in the first place !!!!
Oh yes,i remember know,..........i started it !!!!!!
This i promise,will be my last post on this torrid affair !!!!
At last......i'm not alone !!!!

To my good friend and comrade dick..........great minds think alike !!
You are an oasis,in a desert of boring,mundane,middle class,bland comedy lovers !!!
Infact,if the others posters were to reveal their surnames,i bet they would all be "palmer" !!!!
Best wishes mate !!!
Your scouse admirer........keith
I would agree that Geoffrey Palmer is not in the very top rank but he was near the top for a very long time and was an essential part of many great shows.

I too always loved his Reginald Perrin line "Cock up on the ..... front" especially in the sequel when they are trying to get their hands on Reggie's cash - and he gets romantically involved with the solicitor. "Cock up on the ............
To my good friend and comrade dick..........great minds think alike !!
You are an oasis,in a desert of boring,mundane,middle class,bland comedy lovers !!!
Infact,if the others posters were to reveal their surnames,i bet they would all be "palmer" !!!!
Best wishes mate !!!
Your scouse admirer........keith
Sorry not a Palmer, but I once knew a stuttering Gypsy who could read them didn't get much business took twenty minutes to utter " cross - er - my - er - palm -er with er - silver!" :22:
Now that is funny !!!!!!!!!

That,my good friend is "comedy gold" !!!!!!!!!!
You geordies and us scousers have always had very strong bonds.......mad dialects,port cities,glass"half full" attitude to life,strong working class values,and the ability [which is very rare nowadays] to laugh at ourselves !!!!
When on holiday,scousers and geordies always bond [it is just hard to get a word in edgeways !!!!!]
have a great weekend mate !!!,
best wishes,as always !!!!
To my good friend and comrade dick..........great minds think alike !!
You are an oasis,in a desert of boring,mundane,middle class,bland comedy lovers !!!
Infact,if the others posters were to reveal their surnames,i bet they would all be "palmer" !!!!
Best wishes mate !!!
Your scouse admirer........keith

Thanks Keith, I've always liked anarchic, off the wall humour . The Goons, anything by Spike Milligan in fact. I grew up on Tony Hancock, I liked the Python tv series.Not so many of their films though. There was only Fawlty Towers out of Nicko's list that I had any time for. The "in your face " what passes for modern comedy ??? turns me right off though. your surname "palmer" by any chance ???????
Each to their own etc...etc.....,but......,i'm not convinced.
To be honest,i don't even know why i got involved in the "is geoffrey palmer a boring,one dimentional, actor ,with limited ability"debate in the first place !!!!
Oh yes,i remember know,..........i started it !!!!!!
This i promise,will be my last post on this torrid affair !!!!

Sadly I am not related to Geoffrey Palmer.

Geoffrey Palmer is certainly not a chameleon and he has played a lot of military characters over the years.

His career speaks for itself though and when there was a best sitcom poll by the BBC, he had appeared in more of the top 100 than pretty much anyone else I believe.
That,my good friend is "comedy gold" !!!!!!!!!!
You geordies and us scousers have always had very strong bonds.......mad dialects,port cities,glass"half full" attitude to life,strong working class values,and the ability [which is very rare nowadays] to laugh at ourselves !!!!
When on holiday,scousers and geordies always bond [it is just hard to get a word in edgeways !!!!!]
have a great weekend mate !!!,
best wishes,as always !!!!

Thank you for that and good luck for the weekend before I retired my gaffer was a blue and he was a great bloke to work for ,unlike some of the shockers I have had the displeasure to endure over the years.