Continuity errors and mistakes

There are two instances of a happy accident. The first involved a giant hanging five-foot carrot. The Trio was attempting to remove the carrot and it accidentally wacked Foggy. Totally unintended, but they left it in. The second took place in a scene where Wesley was towing this beat-up car. There was no actual seat in this car, so Wesley put a small sofa for the Trio to sit upon; Cleggy was to steer. Wesley went around a corner and the sofa with the Trio gently slid off the car. Totally unintended but they left it in.
In " Enter the finger" all 3 martial arts "experts" are wearing the belt knotted over the right hip, this is usually worn in the middle of the stomach so if you are thrown or fall forwards and land face down it is absorbed by the stomach, a bit pedantic perhaps?, or maybe that is the joke?
In The Changing Face of Rural Blamire in the last scenes where Oswald P Green is at the hotel you see him and another man walk out of the room. If you look at the door frame it is damaged. It cuts to Blamire then goes back to Green and co and the door frame is magically repaired.
I hope I have got that right. It has been a while since I watched the episode but it has always stuck in my mind.
As the early episodes are being screened currently in UK I am catching up on missed episodes. In "Jubilee" the trio are at vicars house and Clegg comes in and slams the door, pulling the door knob off, and at the same time the wall to his left shakes, and the mirror on the wall wobbles!, plus one nice touch left in, in a later scene , just before camera pulls away from Clegg who is rubbing his finger on his lips, Peter Sallis seems to break character and start to smile then scene is cut, nice to see there was fun on the set, both intentionally and unintentionally.
Not strictly continuity error, but in Sid's Cafe the machines on the wall near the counter change function, in one episode it is a chewing gum dispenser, by the next episode it has gone to be replaced with something else, then 3 episodes in it is replaced by a blue dispensing machine I realise the episodes are not in real time but, it seems odd the whole machine would be changed so frequently?
I know this has been addressed on another thread, but recently Crusher escorts the team out of the cafe as it is full, two episodes later he appears from behind the counter and the team do not know him!, plus the cafe which was freshly renovated in white paint is now back to a grey finish when Crusher appears.
Not strictly a mistake, but, in a recent screening of "Wheelies" , Bill Owen is being towed for the first time on the giant wheel, he sees the ladies of the village, he raises his hand to lift his woolly hat, then suddenly drops his hand as the wheel starts to divert, then as it steadies, he raises his hand again and lifts his woolly hat to the ladies. Bill Owen looks genuinely concerned, but, retains his composure to finish the scene, I truly understand why stunt performers were used more frequently as time went on.
I know this has been addressed on another thread, but recently Crusher escorts the team out of the cafe as it is full, two episodes later he appears from behind the counter and the team do not know him!, plus the cafe which was freshly renovated in white paint is now back to a grey finish when Crusher appears.
In the UK, sets are usually destroyed at the end of a series, and re-built from scratch for the next new series. This is to save storage space and create employment for scene builders and designers.

The cafe started out as blue, subtle changes were made over the following five series or so - then it became white, to fit in with the storyline.

The various series that followed gradually saw the cafe in various off-white colours, probably because the designers have to look like they are doing something for their money, or because the lighting director thinks it looks better, or could even be because someone thought subtle colours would make the cafe look less clinical and more homely.

Personally, I found the off-white colours to be so similar to ordinary white I didn't really notice the changes as each new series came out.
In the UK, sets are usually destroyed at the end of a series, and re-built from scratch for the next new series. This is to save storage space and create employment for scene builders and designers.
Some frequently used sets (/parts) are retained, especially if they include special features, but after a few weeks of filming some sets get a bit worse for wear and need replacing. For instance, to give different camera angles in the Café, the walls opposite the window and opposite the counter are removed and re-set as needed. Some sets or parts of sets are hired in from set and prop companies, like the staircase in the Vicarage seen in the series 9 episode “Go With The Flow”. This also explains the changes in furniture, most obvious in the Café and Clegg's home. Tables and chairs are from BBC set and props department or hired in - and there's no guarantee of getting the same items each season. However in the case of the Café, this didn't always look out of place as the furniture improved as Ivy tried to make the Café more attractive to customers.
Not continuity but a rather absurd situation with a rather poor performance by the prop guys in episode Look who's wheel's come off . Howard chains himself with help of Hobbo to his bike , Entwhistle tries to break through the chain to free him but they end up taking the wheel off which Howard continues to carry with him . When you look at this sample shot there is enough space to get Marina's head through the chain loop around his neck for an intimate kiss. In essence he could have escaped when he felt like it.

Not continuity but a rather absurd situation with a rather poor performance by the prop guys in episode Look who's wheel's come off . Howard chains himself with help of Hobbo to his bike , Entwhistle tries to break through the chain to free him but they end up taking the wheel off which Howard continues to carry with him . When you look at this sample shot there is enough space to get Marina's head through the chain loop around his neck for an intimate kiss. In essence he could have escaped when he felt like it.

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perhaps it was a particularly desirable bike wheel he didn't want to lose :D
In the UK, sets are usually destroyed at the end of a series, and re-built from scratch for the next new series. This is to save storage space and create employment for scene builders and designers.

The cafe started out as blue, subtle changes were made over the following five series or so - then it became white, to fit in with the storyline.

The various series that followed gradually saw the cafe in various off-white colours, probably because the designers have to look like they are doing something for their money, or because the lighting director thinks it looks better, or could even be because someone thought subtle colours would make the cafe look less clinical and more homely.

Personally, I found the off-white colours to be so similar to ordinary white I didn't really notice the changes as each new series came out.
If you check the color chips at the local paint store, you will find literally thousands off-white colors. And it was up to the set designer to determine the off-white white that went in the paint can.