Darn Pigeons

I stayed at a hotel in Funchal last year where pigeons were previously a big problem. They had a chap with a kestrel which would take off at the sight of any pigeons nearby (the Kestrel not the chap!). I've never seen this before but it certainly stopped the pigeons coming anywhere close.
We have some bats where I live, they creep me out. When they come around dark, I feel like I'm in the Adams family..
One of my old boyfriends used to go out when it was just dark with a wadded paper towel. He'd toss it in the air for the bats to chase. They must have thought it was a gigantic white moth!
I am in the Marina camp were pigeons are concerned......."I LIKE PIGEONS.......PROUD LITTLE STRUTTING THINGS !!!!!".

Remember the Steptoe story , when old man Steptoe was young his dad bought him a pigeon but times were hard so he had to take it down the local market and sell it . He sold that pigeon 39 times :):):)
One of my old boyfriends used to go out when it was just dark with a wadded paper towel. He'd toss it in the air for the bats to chase. They must have thought it was a gigantic white moth!
I may try that, as long as they're here, I may as well have some fun with them. Maybe I can annoy them into leaving?
Back when I was working in DC, if you ate your lunch in the park, a pigeon would sometimes perch on the back of the park bench next to you to evaluate your lunch. To hope that you would drop something.