Door Number Quiz #18


Dedicated Member
The house number 3 appears on at least two houses. One is on a house of a regular, the other is on the house of a character in a special. You can guess them one at a time if you'd like.
Pure guess.............Barry and Glenda's first house????
Sorry, Dick. Not Barry and Glenda's house. This house didn't belong to a regular cast member. The house was only seen in one scene.
1. The episode was a special
2. The house didn't belong to a regular character
3. House is in one scene only
4. Person not at home when they went to the house.
5. The person they wanted did not live at this house but was last seen with the person who did live there.
Let's try one more clue.
1. The episode was a special
2. The house didn't belong to a regular character
3. House is in one scene only
4. Person not at home when they went to the house.
5. The person they wanted did not live at this house but was last seen with the person who did live there.

6. The person who lives in this house number 3 loves Mr. Dewhurst's war stories.
Thank you very kindly. Can I put one in? Door number 15 . . . I have two specific clues, but I will leave it for now.
Well, I don't know how to start a thread, so I will use this. There is a door that obviously ( to me anyway ) has the number 15 on it. But . . we never see the door and don't know the person it belongs to.
Well, I don't know how to start a thread, so I will use this. There is a door that obviously ( to me anyway ) has the number 15 on it. But . . we never see the door and don't know the person it belongs to.
I don't know that anyone will find your quiz here. To post it as a new quiz, go back to the page "Lets Have Some Summer Wine Fun" Go down towards the bottom and find the button that says POST NEW THREAD. Click on that and give a name to your quiz. Then go down and post your question. Make sure you clarify what you want us to guess. If we don't know who it belongs to and never see it are you wanting us to guess the episode it is in? Or who it's next to, or maybe where the door leads? I'm not sure what you're wanting us to guess?