Dry Stone Walls


Staff member
Some time ago there was a small discussion about the dry stone walls seen in Summer Wine. There peppered around the country and there are some great ones in Bradgate Park near to me. We went there today so I took some pictures of them. Hope you like them. 10169243_10203705787308523_4380609203294522489_n.jpg



Interesting-looking park. Is it in Leicestershire?

Oddity in the spell checker. It accepts Gloucestershire, but not Leicestershire.
Every time I go to Yorkshire and Derbyshire it always makes me wonder how many man hours went into making and repairing these walls. I bet whoever it was had a backache.;D;D
If we had stones readily available in Florida, I would so build one in front of our house. I just think they are beautiful.
Very nice pictures Pearl!
It certainly looks lovely! I haven't yet visited that part of the country, but the next time I'm in Nuneaton I'll think about a short side-trip to explore the park.