Edie in Heartbeat!


Dedicated Member
Just caught Thora as a sick old lady in the Heartbeat
episode Lost and Found (4-14). She really was quite
an actress.
Yes I see that one she was very good. Jean Alexander was in one a couple of weeks ago, also excellent performance. Watch Heartbeat every night a great series easy to watch and enjoy.:):)
Heartbeat was a show I could never really get into. I watched it for a while when it started when Nick Berry was in it as Rowan. But it seemed to go on for ever.
There has been a few LOSW cast and guests that also appeared in Heartbeat over the years,here is a few names

Colin Farrell
Anita Carey
Philip Jackson
Jean Alexander
Bobby Ball
Julie T. Wallace
Jim Marsh
Gordon Langford Rowe
Geoffrey Bayldon
Duggie Brown
Ken Kitson
Malcolm Hebden
Tony Capstick
Robert Whelan
Roy Barraclough
Russ Abbot
Trevor Peacock
Tony Melody
Keith Marsh
Keith Clifford
Jonathan Linsley
Hugh Lloyd
John Challis
Rosemary Martin
Maggie Ollerenshaw
Josephine Tewson
Sarah Thomas
Eric Sykes
Norman Rossington
Thora Hird
Gordon Wharmby
Eli Woods

And I expect I have missed a few in this list
No no, I use IMDB lots as well.

But just what kinda search did you use to find those
actors who appeared both in SW and HB???
Yes I saw the one with Edie where she dies in the end. Keith Clifford was in there as well.
Yet another one of those shows that has never been run by PBS. Sounds like an interesting show. Recently sat through an entire episode of Midsomer Murders and thought a white-haired old lady looked familiar but couldn't place her until reviewing the credits and found that it was June Whitfield (Nelly).
Chuck it was a case of look through the Heartbeat cast list and see what names rung a bell