Eternal Laws of Summerwineland...

Despite Nora knowing Compos intentions she still falls for his tricks to get her close everytime and never seems to learn, such as him crying saying something's in his eye etc
I think secretly she loves the attention he gives her you see a few times where she says thats my neighbours where he is attempting another one of there crazy schemes :D
Enjoying watching the series from start to finish again, I'm fascinated by the reoccurring themes throughout the entire series - it's so predictable but no less funny!

To name but a few;

It doesn't matter where in the remote countryside Howard & Marina hideout, either the trio or the ladies always cross their path

Despite Nora knowing Compos intentions she still falls for his tricks to get her close everytime and never seems to learn, such as him crying saying something's in his eye etc

When Howard & Marina invariably get caught after they've 'cracked it this time' they remain undeterred to try something different the following week....

Have you spotted any other 'laws of physics' that only apply in Summerwineland???
Only old dumpy looking men such as Capt. Zero and that wannabe astronaut aim for the sky. Yes, Barry flew in that "kite" but he didn't really get very high and he really didn't want to do it.
Only old dumpy looking men such as Capt. Zero and that wannabe astronaut aim for the sky. Yes, Barry flew in that "kite" but he didn't really get very high and he really didn't want to do it.
Was it just me or was the wannabe in The Space Ace very camp???