Exciting News!

Great idea! I think when I finally get over there I will do that as well. Stand in front of the webcam, log into webcam on my phone and take a screen shot of myself in realtime. Kinda like standing in front of a hall of mirrors effect. :29:
Forget Times Square and Trafalger Square !!!...2 BEAUTIFUL ladies,in the greatest square on earth !!!!!.....once again,I have been transformed [Hulk style] into the Green Eyed Docker !!!....I don't want to sound like Judith Calmers but ...I WISH I WAS THERE !!.
Well Louise where did you get to so far. I assume aside from the Cafe you went to Nora's , was the Museum still open and if it was did you go around it . It's spooky to see all the memorabilia especially when you think it was once worn or used by the stars of the show we treasure[The owner had to ask me to leave I'd been in hours and he wanted to close] .

Is the Bus tour running and are you planning to go on it and if not are you able to tour the other locations ? If you are travelling yourselves then maybe viewing Terry's Summerwine Map would be a useful aid to select which locations yield you the most hits in the context of where they filmed the show . I hope you continue to have a fabulous time . :)
Captain !!!!! you ae gettin' me all excited again.......My hard hat has just fell off.....rolled along the quay......and is now in the River Mersey....floating towards Ireland !!!.
I'm thinking you've come up with a great idea for the forum there Louise, any member who goes to Holmfirth should pose in front of of the webcam and we could even have a dedicated gallery!!!
I've got some of me somewhere, my daughter screenshot them.
Nice idea Barry but logistically difficult. Your forum gallery idea could be built up over time when members can manage to visit. Another 'Crusher in the cafe' event would yield a good group photo.