Thank you! I'll keep a look out.It's been on YouTube in the past but it's not one of the LOTSW episodes on there at the moment. I'd imagine it will show up again, though.
Does anyone know if this episode of LOTSW has ever been posted for viewing on the internet? I have been trying to locate several "missing" episodes that were never shown in the US, and this is one of them. Thanks
I'd upload it to youtube but there are already so many of
that name up there it would get lost. Ideas anyone?
Large files uploaded to Youtube are sometimes broken into smaller segments. So you could upload them in 10 minute increments, and label them Part 1, Part 2, etc.Sorry, tried to upload to you tube but exceeded allowable
data size (I think?). Anyway, cancelled.
I had to laugh at your reply. You may be closer to the truth than you know. When I began watching EastEnders a few years back, I was able to sit down every afternoon and watch the program from the previous night (from the comfort of my favorite chair, on a 55" TV screen). Then my cable company stopped providing Youtube access, and I was forced to troll the internet, looking for the daily uploads. I had to join a clandestine group of folks who uploaded their videos to a certain site (no names please) and watch them before 4:00 PM EST-Indiana. BBC bots sweep Youtube, and other sites, and take down the full-size videos after that time. People are still allowed to upload the show, but it has to be in a different format. Now, if I want to watch at a different time, I am forced to view the program on a screen the size of a 3 x 5 index card. There is only one other site available to people in the US that airs UK programs in full-screen format. They are routed through another country for viewing in the US. It's all very complicated and I feel as if I'm part of some black market conspiracy. It's a moot point now, because I reached the end of my rope where EE is concerned. The show jumped the shark a while ago.I would love to place them on the web server,but the BBC would track me down, beat me with a big stick and throw me in jail,then beat me again and take all the money I have which is around 28 usd, join one of the facebook groups like last of the summer wine will never die,there are lots of video's on there, if not you can always ask if anyone has it to share![]()
I am, but you would have to give me directions on how to use Google Drive so I could watch it.I may be able to put it in my google drive and send you a link if you are interested.
There are hundreds of LOTSW videos posted on Youtube, but that particular episode is not one of them. They are posted by Show Name, Episode Name, Series No., and Season No.I'd upload it to youtube but there are already so many of
that name up there it would get lost. Ideas anyone?
Thanks, I can't wait!Hi Emma, I will upload it Saturday and send you the link via PM / Conversation.