Facebook group


Staff member
As some of you will already know there is a Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/109711375752190/ it has over 2300 members,it would be nice if more of the forum members joined this group as any discussion regarding our forum may encourage more members to join,plus it a easy way to show off your photo's and videos plus knowledge of the show

Absolutely Terry, it's a great outlet for sharing and discussion. Between the Facebook page and this site there is always something of interest going on.
Absolutely Terry, it's a great outlet for sharing and discussion. Between the Facebook page and this site there is always something of interest going on.

And on and on and on and on and on and on and on.............
Its good fun, its run by a right motley crew but most of the natives are friendly.
Only it you let it.

Although I have a Facebook page, I've never used it. I have an account only so I can post to my favorite photography tutor's page, and I go there only when he sends an email to his client list announcing that he's posted some new photos and info on time of day, direction he was facing and camera settings.

Sorry, looked thru XYL's FB account and saw way way way too many
people. Gonna stay right here where I can handle the crowds.

Given how badly SW was cut from the world, one wonders just
where all these well-meaning folks were hiding.