Favorite Episode....

I don't really have a favorite episode, but my favorite scene was where Onslow and Richard ended up outside the church, singing with the choir. They were both in tune and knew the hymn. It kind of warmed the cockles of my heart, Then Daisy showed up on a motorcycle with a toy boy borrowed from Rose, trying to get Onslow's attention.
I found the Major rather sleazy and whilst I enjoy the episodes I'm glad they dropped that character. I'm pretty sure that Roy Clarke didn't give titles to any of the episodes I think they were just added on retrospectively. This may explain the different names.
I get a kick out of Peter Cellier, I have ever since 'Yes Prime Minister'. There is something about his smile, perhaps mischievous, that makes him shine. I don't know about sleazy, he acted like a Howard on steroids, but with a far less willing subject of his attention. The only two episodes I remember were one where he invited Hyacinth into his conservatory to give her some blooms before the dreaded candlelight supper, and another where Hyacinth Bouquet and Richard Bucket were staying in a hotel where a golf game had been prearranged, but instead Hyacinth ended up in the Major's little roadster. There was a bit of a tussle in the roadster and Hyacinth ended up a bit disheveled, but really no worse for the wear.

I believe Peter Cellier is still with us in his mid 90s!

I noticed that Roy Clarke recycled the knee jerking leg slapping phenomena of the Major's, to Hobbo in 'How not to Cry at Weddings'.
My favorites are the ones mentioned already, such as The Rolls Royce, Riverside Picnic, and Hyacinth Tees Off.

Also, I love the one with the church hall explosion and Daddy coming to the rescue.

For me, Richard is even funnier than Hyacinth. Her putting Richard into difficult and uncomfortable situations is the funniest angle of the show. "Oh, Look, a blackbird!" The episode that really shows this is the one with the moored boat, and Richard having to be used as a human walkway! :D
There is so many brilliant episode another one I love is Hyacinth Is Alarmed when Richard buys her a burglar alarm for their anniversary and she wants it to make the same sound as the horn on the QE2 :D :D :D