Favourite Detective/Police Drama shows

amos hames

Dedicated Member
What are you favourite detective or police drama shows.You comments please

Here are some of mine.
The Bill(the Burnside years)
The Sweeney
Juliet Bravo(remember this!!)
George Gently
I used to like the inspector Wexford show but can not think of the title

From the USA

Starsky and Hutch
TJ Hooker.I grew up watching these shows on a sat afternoon
Never watched any CSI so do not know if its any good or not.

Can anybody remember any more.
The Sweeney, Columbo and Frost are my favourite and probably in that order also! as i kid also loved Chips the motorbike cops!
George Gently is good, so is Vera ( but her ascent is a little off). I like Scott and Baily too and Lewis is quit good.
If I don't want to consentrate to much Midsummer Murders is OK.
We like most of your pick Amos except the Bill. (that plodding down the street sort of put us off)We like Lewis and Midsommer Susan and also we like to watch Murder in Suburbia (they only made about 12 shows though) My wife is a big Crime fan she has all the Agatha Christie books in various formats and often re-reads them.Inspector Wexford and Adam Dalglish were also our faves .
Lynley is good, I like Agatha Christie too, Lord Peter was watchable too.
I watch Columbo yet I could not stand it when it was on TV,to many adverts,I got the box set a while back and really enjoyed it, Falk really made the show his own,it must be the only one I recall although I am sure there are others that show you who did it at the beginning.

Gently is a good period police drama
Juliet Bravo was good

I see in July Dixon of Dock Green comes out on DVD
Does any body remember a show called Rockliffes Babies i have heard the name but no memory of it,Was it any good
George Gently
Scott and Bailey
Morse (but not as much as Lewis)
Hamish McBeth

Like Susan, I find Brenda Blethin's accent hard to take, but that is because I had a Geordie mother I suppose.
Ess me too, both my parents were from Sunderland so I know the acsent well.
Some simes when I hear actors trying to do the acsent I cringe, it mostly turns out Welshish ???.

Amos, it rang a bell with me to so I found this

Itstill only rings a bell, not sure if I ever watched it.
My all time favourite would be Columbo then Morse.I also used to watch the Likes of Bergerac,Shoestring and so on and quite enjoyed them.

I also remember Rockliffes Babies but never eally warmed to it

Bring back Z Cars, I say.

Oh please tell me that I am not the only one to remember it.
:D I remember Z CARS specially in black and white. Interestingly (as far as I remember ,) only Brian Blessed really hit the top of the profession .Some of the others did very well but you'd be hard pushed to name more than two or three.Stratford Johns springs to mind as does Frank Windsor (anyone remember any of the others??) ???
Did anybody ever see Diana Rigg as a detective in "The Mrs Bradley Mysteries"?She went between cases in an old limousine driven by Neil Dudgeon (the current Inspector Barnaby)as her chauffeur. We watched some but it never really caught on with us. Neither did Inspector Alleyne. :-\