I have been thinking on the "boss" man of the trio for a while now and am inclined towards the following view...
Cyril Blamire
definitely thought of himself as the undisputed leader of the three and a step up the social ladder from the other two (well...several steps in the case of Compo!) and did nothing to hide that. Compo & Clegg I think both saw him in the same light, but fought back lightly when possible. I always think of his two series as being fundamentally different from the rest, both for his character and also the rougher behavior of the other two; particularly Clegg.
Foggy I think was treated more "equally" by the other two, despite his bossiness. He was clearly a blowhard with exaggerated ideas which the others enjoyably took no belief in. They followed him around because they had nothing else to do basically. Foggy himself however was full of misplaced self importance and believed he was superior to the others although not necessarily a class above them, just further up the same ladder with aspirations of improvement. He did however have a force of character which usually overpowered the other two when they allowed it.
Seymour WAS a class above the other two and more highly educated but had a vision of himself as being better than he was and always being held back and betrayed by others. His bossiness of both Clegg and Compo seems more relaxed and something to which he is automatically accustomed to. Foggy was always trying to boss the others by a mild form of bullying, Seymour just expected it as the natural order of things.
I have said it before but I find the Seymour years a softer and happier experience overall. He never really got annoyed but his expression of disappointment when things went wrong was priceless.
Truly I think didn't really have a "boss man" attitude. He just fitted in with the others, exaggerated some of his experiences (who doesn't??

but basically didn't really care if the others followed him or not...as long as they all were having a bit of mischievous fun.
Blamire, Foggy & Seymour were definitely the "leaders" of the trio, even if the others didn't always go along with them, but with Truly I got more of a partner vibe than a leader one even though it is clear he was intended to be a leader.
Hobbo I didn't like too much on first viewing. It seemed like they were trying to bring back a poor shadow of Foggy. HOWEVER the more I watched and then the more often I re-watched his episodes, my opinion changed.
He is the only one of the leaders who was NOT what he made himself out to be. Blamire WAS a leader, Foggy HAD been in the army, Seymour HAD been a headmaster, Truly HAD been a policeman, Hobbo was a milkman! He believes himself to have been a spy, but even he has doubts!
Certainly the first few episodes of his clearly tried to revive a Foggy type character, but as he got settled in the role he (and the writing for him) changed. While still believing himself to be a spy that bragginess about it (like Foggy) softened to where even he wasn't fully taking the idea seriously whereas Cleggy, Truly, Alvin, Entwhistle and all the others NEVER took him seriously. He never had the force of personality that Foggy did and so the others were a lot more "free-er" around him and regularly defied his wishes. Something they only rarely did with Foggy to any serious degree.
I wouldn't say the Hobbo years were brilliant (although they did have a few moments!!!) but I find that I enjoy them more now that I did when they were first aired (despite the overuse of very poor special visual effects)